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L23B: Sociolinguistics 2005-2006 Please Turn off all cellular phones & pagers L23B Website: 11/22/2018.

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Presentation on theme: "L23B: Sociolinguistics 2005-2006 Please Turn off all cellular phones & pagers L23B Website: 11/22/2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 L23B: Sociolinguistics 2005-2006
Please Turn off all cellular phones & pagers L23B Website: 11/22/2018

2 Course Assessment Incourse Test (40% of total grade)
TEST DATE: MONDAY, APRIL 3, 2006 (2-4pm) Final Exam (60% of total grade) 11/22/2018

3 Topics for this Session
Review: Communication Language & Culture Language Variation 11/22/2018

4 Social Units Speech Linguists community in the Caribbean
Speech situation SCL Conference Speech event Presentation Speech act In my data, my informants … 11/22/2018

5 Speech Event (Meeting a new Person)
Mr. Richardson: By the way, I’m Andrew Richardson but my friends call me Andy. Here’s my card. Mr. Chu: I’m David Chu, pleased to meet you Mr. Richardson – here’s my card. Mr. Richardson: No, No, call me Andy. I think we’ll be doing a lot of business together. Mr. Chu: Yes I hope so. Mr. Richardson (reading Chu’s card) “Chu, Hon-Fai” Hon-Fai, I’ll give you a call as soon as I’m settled in at my hotel. Mr. Chu (smiling): Yes, I’ll expect your call. 11/22/2018

6 AMERICAN PATTERN Preference for close relationship
Non-verbal element (smile) means ‘appreciation’ 11/22/2018

7 HONG KONG PATTERN Preference for professional relationship
Preference for professional relationship Non-verbal element (smile) means ‘discomfort’ 11/22/2018

8 Linguistic variables “language features that vary in precise form from speaker to speaker” 11/22/2018

9 Linguistic variables:
Lexical – ‘eat’ vs. ‘nyam’ phonological eg. [k] = [k] vs. [k] morpho-syntactic eg. pluralisation ‘dem’ vs. ‘noun+s’ Syntactic eg. double negatives 11/22/2018

10 Labov distinguishes Linguistic Variable as:
Indicators - little or no social significance attached Markers/Socially diagnostic variables – carries social significance.             Stereotypes – popular and conscious characterization of the speech of a particular group. 11/22/2018

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