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Welcome to the world of INCOME Opportunity with world’s first globally Helping System

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the world of INCOME Opportunity with world’s first globally Helping System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the world of INCOME Opportunity with world’s first globally Helping System

2 HELLO Everyone! I am Jayden Smith
I am here because I love to give presentations About the Bitko Bank helping community. Bitko Bank is working as a true ideology of only giving. I have been long associates of this community. Not only i joined this amazing system but also i inspiring people to join and change their way of living. My motto is not to be rich, my motto is to becomes like kingmaker, who inspire other to be rich and ultimatly i will be rich. I will explain about the Bitko Bank Earning plan, also soon you all see my videos on youtube channel

3 First we would like to tell all member and their associates
How Bitko Bank Work? First we would like to tell all member and their associates “ Bitko Bank is not doing any kinds of business or financial institution”. “It is made purely for open minded community, where people interect with another people”. Member willing to pay another member without any guarantee or warrenty”. “Bitko Bank system only watch people’s activity and work as a middleman between 2 parties”

4 ““Money is not the most important thing in the world. Love is
““Money is not the most important thing in the world. Love is. Fortunately, I love money.” — Jackie Mason”

5 Various earning methods
Various earning methods . With Right plan and strategy everyone can secure their financial life How?

6 Manager and Team reward/Bonus
Income Method How participants can earn money through BITKO BANK Community Flexible Daily Growing bonus (1% To 4% Daily) Referral Income Multiple Level referral Income Manager and Team reward/Bonus

7 Flexible Commitment Amount
Sr. No. Commitment Amount($) Commitment Validity 1 $ 50 30 Days 2 $ 150 3 $ 200 4 $ 300 5 $ 400 6 $ 500

8 Commitment Bonus Income Every participants will get Bonus on their Commitment for the period of 30 Days from the activation of commitment Sr. No. Bonus Condition Bonus Time Period for Bonus 1 If no direct confirm member 1% Daily for 30 Days 2 If 2 Direct Confirm member 1.5% 3 If 4 Direct Confirm member 1.75% 4 If 6 Direct Confirm member 2.25% Daily For 30 Days 5 If 8 Direct Confirm member 2.75% 6 If 10 Direct Confirm member 3.25% 7 If 12 Direct Confirm member or more 4%

9 Referral Income Distribution Chart
Sr. No Level Level Income in % 1 Direct Member 5 2 1st Level 3 2nd Level 4 3rd Level 4th Level 0.5 6 5th Level 7 6th Level 8 7th Level 9 8th Level 0.5 upto unlimited depth

10 Becomes our Manager and earn Handsome income

11 Criteria For becoming Manager
POSITION Eligibility Income Percent MANAGER ( Who Join 10 Direct Member will becomes MANAGER) Direct sponsor of 10 members +$1500 commitment amount Get 8% Extra Team Bonus 10 MANAGER REQUIRE 10 MANAGER Get 4% Extra Team Bonus 100 MANAGER REQUIRE 100 MANAGER Get 3% Extra Team Bonus

12 Another Monthly reward Bonus For manager
Level Team Monthly Business Time Bonus Duration 1 25 Member 1000$ 30 days. 100$ 6 Month 2 50 Member 1500$ 225$ 3 100 Member 3000$ 350$ 4 200 Member 4500$ 450$ 5 400 Member 6000$ 550$ 6 1000 Member 10000$ 7 2000 Member 20000$ 2000$ 8 5000 Member 50000$ 5000$ Life Time

13 Our Presence Operating Centre

14 589,526 Member Bitko Bank Community target to reach, This figure cannot accomplished without you

15 That’s a lot of money And a lot of users Total success!
89,526,124$ That’s a lot of money 589,526 users And a lot of users 100% Total success!

16 Our process is easy Register Make Commitment Build Strong Team

17 Goes to Referral Distribution
33.3 Goes to Referral Distribution 50% Goes to Bonus Distribution 16.7% Goes to Manager income and Bonuses

18 Bitko Bank “Your Partner for Present” “Your Partner For Future”

19 THANKS! Any questions? You can find us at:

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