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NLI Platform guide.

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1 NLI Platform guide

2 Step 1: Website
In order to access the National Law Institute platform you need to firstly click on the link below.

3 Step 2: Log in/Sing Up To have access in what NLI Platform offers you need to log in with a and a password. However, if you do not have such you need to sign up in order to use NLI Platform To log in just click on the log in option and a log in window will pop up To sign up click on the option above mention on the picture and a sign up window with all the information needed will pop up

4 Step 2: Log in/Sing Up To sign up you need to fill in the field of this form. The information that will be necessary for you to create a NLI account are your , first name, last name and a password(preferably more than eight characters)

5 Step 3: Register for CE classes
After you are logged in to your NLI account you will proceed with the registering part. You can either register for CE classes or CLE classes. If you are willing to register for CE then follow this step otherwise skip to step 4. To register for CE classes you have to click on classes as showed in the picture and than continue with Realtor option this will lead you to the CE classes page.

6 Step 4: Register for CLE classes
To register for CLE classes you need to click on Classes option of the menu and than on the drop down list that will be shown click on the Legal item this will lead you to CLE classes register page.

7 Step 5: Scheduled classes
After you select your Relator/Legal option you will be redirected to this particular page. In this page all classes are shown, in order to be registered to a specific class you need to press “Get Details” button.

8 Register for live class
Choose Class Press Get Details Register for live class Step 6: Register You have been enrolled

9 Step 7: Enrollment In order to enroll in one class you need to press the button “Register for live class” After you had confirmed that you want to be part of that class a message will display saying that you are enrolled

10 Step 8: Your Account In order to view your account with all you personal information you need to press on “My Account” button

11 Step 9: Your certificates
After you have been directed to you account page you will see four different tabs: Dashboard, My certificates, CE video queue, and Profile. On the dashboard tab all different position will be shown as for legal, title, and realtor On your profile tab will be shown your profile will all your personal information that you choose to display there. In order to view all your certificated you need to click on the “My certificates” tab.

12 Step 10: Certificates All of your certificates will be find in this page You can even upload, download or view a specific certificate

13 Step 11: Your information
All your information are displayed in you profile tab in order to change your , password or other information you need to click on the profile tab and continue with filling the necessary field and the ones that you want to edit.

14 Step 11: Continue with updating your information
To continue with step 11 with updating your information this is a picture of the actual page that will be displayed when you are editing your data After you are done on editing your profile to save all your hard work, you need to press “Update profile” button

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