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Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems…

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1 Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems…
Water Directors have endorsed our Technical report (December 2011) Recommendations: GWDTE Threshold Values in UK

2 GWDTE Threshold Value development in UK
UK Technical Advisory Group is reviewing its UK WFD standards and methods in the lead up to RBMP-2 RBMP – 1 : No UK GWDTE chemical standards UK Wetland Task team has developed TV’s for GWDTE categories using 3 sets of data: Groundwater quality monitoring of water feeding GWDTE’s Groundwater chemical measurements In GWDTE’s Literature

3 GWDTE TV Data sets 180 Wetlands with good hydrogeological connection to GW-body, contained 475 GWDTE’s GWDTE’s in 11 categories ANOVA revealed that ‘intensity of land-use was important (upland <-> lowland)

4 Fen (oligotrophic,tufa spring) occurring at lower altitudes
Relative number of observations Nitrate concentration (mg/l NO3)

5 Need more information!

6 Groundwater dependent Wetland TV’s (mg/l NO3)

7 Groundwater dependent wetland Threshold Values; use in characterisation and classification
If GWDTE damaged (and likely caused by nutrient pressure) and Threshold Value exceeded in relevant groundwater monitoring point then At risk and further investigation Result of investigation is used in classification and could trigger remedial action Also used in prevent and limit / no deterioration

8 WG-C and GWDTE.. Next steps
‘Who holds what information?.. Other EU countries have same problems! As recommendations: work together to solve! Proposal to: Questionnaire to WG-C members/ relevant staff in their organisations /countries Hold workshop at either next WG-C meeting (Cyprus?) Or HydroEco 2013: April Rennes (France)

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