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ABCs of Biomaterials Dr. Alagiriswamy A A, (M.Sc, PhD, PDF)

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Presentation on theme: "ABCs of Biomaterials Dr. Alagiriswamy A A, (M.Sc, PhD, PDF)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ABCs of Biomaterials Dr. Alagiriswamy A A, (M.Sc, PhD, PDF)
Asst. Professor (Sr. Grade), Dept. of Physics, SRM-University, Kattankulathur campus, Chennai ABCs of Biomaterials UNIT III Lecture 2 Mar. 25/10 November 22, 2018November 22, 2018

2 Interesting cues A simple “THANK YOU” makes a difference Display supportive behavior to ensure team success To keep up efficiency limit your work : - FATIGUE Key to people related problems is always with you Betrayal, however small, causes displeasure among staffs Courtesy : - The Hindu, page 1 -6, opportunities, Mar. 24/10 November 22, 2018November 22, 2018

3 Outline of the presentation

a biomaterial should not GIVE OFF its mass unless it is specifically designed to do so November 22, 2018November 22, 2018

Bioinert Biomaterials : -minimal interaction with the tissue stainless steel, titanium, alumina, partially stabilized zirconia, and ultra high molecular weight polyethylene Bioactive Biomaterials : - maximum functionality synthetic hydroxyapatite [Ca 10 (PO4)6(OH)2], glass ceramic and bioglass Bioresorbable Biomaterials : - maximum absorption and dissolves leads to the maximum advantage of bones tricalcium phosphate [Ca3(PO4)2] and polylactic- polyglycolic acid copolymers rely on surface, mechanical, thermal properties atleast November 22, 2018November 22, 2018

6 SURFACE PROPERTIES Surface Energy What is a true surface ?
At the surfaces, there are asymmetric forces involved Quantification of disruption of bonds/surfaces Metals/ceramics:- high surface energies ranging from 102 to 104 ergs/cm2. Polymers/plastics have much smaller surface energies, usually <100 ergs/cm2. Adsorption of gases and/or organic species makes the quantification tougher even for simpler systems. Why don’t you think off some acute remedies???????????????????????? November 22, 2018November 22, 2018

7 Surfaces and Interfaces
“A region of space in which the system undergoes transition from one phase to another” Liquid/Gas Liquid/Liquid Solid/Solid Solid/Gas Surface: Region between condensed phase (S or L) and a gas phase Interface: Region between two condensed phases November 22, 2018November 22, 2018 7

8 November 22, 2018November 22, 2018

9 Some more surface properties
Contact Angle quantitative measure of the WETTING of a solid by a liquid angle at which a liquid/vapor interface MEETS the solid surface Three interfaces determines the interactions and so angle used to discriminate hydrophobics and hydrophilics Contact angle analysis characterizes the wettability of a surface by measuring the surface tension of a solvent droplet at its interface with a homogenous surface November 22, 2018November 22, 2018

10 Goniometry November 22, 2018November 22, 2018

11 Factors: surface roughness, adsorption, contamination
Contact angle analysis Young-Dupree equation depicts at equilibrium conditions s/g, s/l and l/g are the interfacial free energy between the solid and gas; solid and liquid, liquid and gas respectively and  the contact angle s/g = s/l + l/g cos  The wetting characteristic can be generalized as  = 0, complete wetting ;   0  900, partial wetting ;  > 900 , no wetting. Factors: surface roughness, adsorption, contamination November 22, 2018November 22, 2018

12 Critical Surface Tension: -
Surface tension is a measurement of the cohesive energy present at an interface bulk of a liquid are balanced by an equal attractive force in all directions Molecules on the surface of a liquid experience an imbalance of forces Polar liquids, such as water, have strong intermolecular interactions and thus high surface tensions. If temperature increase, surface energy decreases, system collapses November 22, 2018November 22, 2018

13 Critical surface tension by Zisman plot
A concept developed in the 1960`s by Walter Zisman The surface tension of a liquid that would completely wet the solid of interest. Surface energy of surface can be expressed by critical surface tension. Low critical surface tension means that the surface has a low energy. Measure on one surface for a series of liquids varying in surface tension Plot cos  Vs lv. Extrapolate to cos  = 1.0 ( = 0˚ ) Define c at cos  = 1.0 ( = 0˚ ) November 22, 2018November 22, 2018

14 Determination of Surface Energy Using Contact Angle (Zisman Plot)
Contact angle measurement of a solid with various liquids of known surface tension Cos  = 1 – b(l - c) Cos   – Contact angle b – 0.03 –0.04 l – Surface tension of liquid c – Critical surface tension 1 Extrapolate curve to Cos  = 1, obtain c , characteristic of Surface Energy (Adamson, 1997) November 22, 2018November 22, 2018

15 how to figure it out the biocompatibility, bioinert issues???
Critical Surface Tension Why critical surface tension is so important Thrombus formation Blood clotting studies Other tissue related studies how to figure it out the biocompatibility, bioinert issues??? November 22, 2018November 22, 2018

16 Examples of interfacial phenomenon
Food Texture Structure - Creaming - Settling Paper Quality Uniformity Strength Paints Opacity Color Strength Gloss Viscosity Microelectronics Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP) Stabilization / dispersion of particulate systems impact the performance of industrial processes. November 22, 2018November 22, 2018

17 Sincerely AAA November 22, 2018November 22, 2018

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