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The Choking Game - Student Briefing Teachers Notes:

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1 The Choking Game - Student Briefing Teachers Notes:
Has anyone heard of the Choking Game? Is it known by other names: * American Dream * Blackout * Knockout Game * Breath Play * Choke out * Dream Game * Fainting Game * Suffocation Roulette * Flat liner * California High * Air planeing * Gasp * Pass-out * Space Cowboy * Space Monkey * Funky Chicken The key message is that this is NOT A GAME, that it is a dangerous activity Where do young people know about the Choking Game from? * Social Media * Big Brother TV show * Gossip/Chat Student Briefing

2 What is it? This is where young people self strangulate to cut off oxygen to the brain They do this because they believe that they will get a “high” when the blood rushes back to the brain Teachers Notes: Definition

3 BUT Why do it? Some people think it’s exciting
It kills MILLIONS of brain cells It can cause stroke, fits & brain damage You can DIE Some people think it’s exciting They think that it is low-risk It might be a challenge or dare They might be curious Teachers Notes: What makes some young people do this? In pairs/small groups discuss the reasons why - the take feedback from the students, and the how this pressure might apply to the school community Emphasis the impact. There are graphic images on Google of children on life support machines – whilst these images may help students develop their empathy skills they may also be too graphic to show.

4 What do I look for? Physical Signs: Blood shot eyes Frequent Headaches
Bruise marks on the neck Disorientation after spending time alone Changes in behaviour Locked doors at home Being secretive Wanting to spend time alone Teachers Notes: What happens to your body and how does your behaviour change? You must emphasise the dangers of this ‘game’ Ask for help, tell someone! If you are worried about a friend of yours – tell someone today

5 Teachers Notes: Whilst this is up on the screen/board – teachers must debrief the session to allow any concerns to come to the surface. Any issues should prompt a ‘Notice of Concern’ to the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

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