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Proving Triangle Congruence Shortcuts

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Presentation on theme: "Proving Triangle Congruence Shortcuts"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proving Triangle Congruence Shortcuts

2 Essential Questions What is the minimum amount of information needed to prove that two triangles are congruent? Why do we want to have shortcuts when we can just show a sequence of transformations that would show two triangles are congruent?

3 Simon Says Proofs Directions:
One person in the group will be Simon and the rest of the group will be players. One of the players must describe the two triangles they have on their card. Simon will sketch a picture of the description given. Without looking at the players’ cards, Simon will describe a sequence of transformations that proves each of the players’ triangles are congruent.

4 Building the Proofs ASA Flowchart: Scenario 1

5 Building the Proofs ASA Flowchart: Scenario 2

6 Building the Proofs SAS Flowchart: Scenario 1

7 Building the Proofs SAS Flowchart: Scenario 2

8 Building the Proofs SSS Flowchart: Scenario

9 Building the Proofs SSS Flowchart: Scenario

10 Building the Proofs SSS Flowchart: Scenario


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