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Proving Triangles are Congruent

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Presentation on theme: "Proving Triangles are Congruent"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proving Triangles are Congruent
EQ: What can you conclude about two triangles when you know that two pairs of corresponding sides and corresponding included angles are congruent? Today, you will learn to… * prove that triangles are congruent * use congruence postulates to solve problems

2 Using 3 segments, can you ONLY create 2 triangles that are congruent?
SSS Experiment Using 3 segments, can you ONLY create 2 triangles that are congruent?

3 Side-Side-Side Congruence Postulate
B Side-Side-Side Congruence Postulate If Side AB  XY Side AC  XZ Side BC  YZ, then ΔABC  ΔXYZ by SSS X Y Z If 3 pairs of sides are congruent, then the two triangles are congruent.

4 no K L C A J B 1. Does the diagram give enough
info to use SSS Congruence? K L C A no J B

5 LM  MP NM  NM NLM  NPM SSS Congruence 2. Given: LN  NP and
M is the midpoint of LP Prove: ΔNLM  ΔNPM N L P M LM  MP Def of midpoint NM  NM Reflexive Property NLM  NPM SSS Congruence

6 SAS Experiment Using 2 congruent segments and
1 included angle, can you ONLY create 2 triangles that are congruent?

7 Side-Angle-Side Congruence Postulate
B Side-Angle-Side Congruence Postulate If Side AB  XY Angle B  Y Side BC  YZ, then ΔABC  ΔXYZ by SAS X Y Z If 2 pairs of sides and their included angle are congruent, then the two triangles are congruent.

8 SAS? 5. 4. NO! SAS 6. 7. NO! SAS

9 A C D A B C D 8. Does the diagram give enough
info to use SAS Congruence? A B C D A C D

10 no W V X Y Z 9. Does the diagram give enough
info to use SAS Congruence? W V no X Y Z

11 no E A B C D 10. Does the diagram give enough
info to use SAS Congruence? A E no B C D

12 VWZ YWX VWZ  YWX 11. X V W Z Y Vertical Angles Th SAS Congruence
Given: W is the midpoint of VY and the midpoint of ZX Prove: ΔVWZ  ΔYWX X Z W Y V VW  WY and ZW  WX Def. of midpoint VWZ YWX Vertical Angles Th VWZ  YWX SAS Congruence

13 12. Given: AB  PB , MB  AP Prove: ΔMBA  ΔMBP M P A B MBA  MBP
Def of  lines ABM & PBM are right s ABM  PBM All right s are  Reflexive Property MB  MB MBA  MBP SAS Congruence

14 What is the best way to get better at proofs?

15 ASA Experiment Using 2 angles connected by 1 segment, can you ONLY create two triangles that are congruent?

16 Angle-Side-Angle Congruence Postulate
B Angle-Side-Angle Congruence Postulate If Angle B  Y, Side BC  YZ, Angle C  Z then ΔABC  ΔXYZ by ASA X Y Z If 2 pairs of angles and the included sides are congruent, then the two triangles are congruent.

17 Included side? A B C The included side between  A and  B is _____ AB

18 Included side? A B C The included side between  B and  C is _____ CB

19 Included side? A B C The included side between  A and  C is _____ AC

20 ASA? 2. 1. NO! ASA 3. 4. NO! ASA

21 Δ ABD  Δ by ASA A C D C B A D 5. Does the diagram give enough
info to use ASA Congruence? A B C D Reflexive Property Third Angles Theorem Δ ABD  Δ by ASA A C D

22 yes, Δ ACB  ______ by ASA Δ C A D A D B C
6. Does the diagram give enough info to use ASA Congruence? A D Reflexive Property Alt. Int. Angles Theorem B C yes, Δ ACB  ______ by ASA Δ C A D

23 no A D B C 7. Does the diagram give enough info to use ASA Congruence?
Reflexive Property B C no

24 A C B K L C A J B 8. Does the diagram give enough
info to use ASA Congruence? K L C A J B A C B

25 9. Determine whether the triangles
are congruent by ASA. L K Alt. Int. Angles Theorem J Vertical Angles Theorem H G K J L

26 Angle-Angle-Side Congruence Theorem
B Angle-Angle-Side Congruence Theorem If Angle B  Y Angle C  Z Side AB  XY then ΔABC  ΔXYZ by AAS X Y Z If 2 pairs of angles and a pair of nonincluded sides are congruent, then the two triangles are congruent.

27 AAS? 11. 10. AAS NO! 12. 13. AAS NO!

28 C B A D 14. Does the diagram give enough info to use AAS Congruence?
Reflexive Property

29 K L C A J B 15. Does the diagram give enough
info to use AAS Congruence? K L C A J B

30 16. Determine whether the triangles
are congruent by AAS. L K Alt. Int. Angles Theorem J Vertical Angles Theorem H G K J L

31 SSA Experiment Using 2 sides and 1 angle that is NOT included, can you ONLY create two triangles that are congruent? NO

32 Using 3 angles, can you ONLY create two triangles that are congruent?
AAA Experiment Using 3 angles, can you ONLY create two triangles that are congruent? NO All of the angles are , but the s are NOT 

33 Mark the given information on the triangles
Mark the given information on the triangles. What additional congruence would you need to show ABC  XYZ? 17. CB  ZY , AC  XZ SAS Congruence C A B X Y Z C  Z

34 Mark the given information on the triangles
Mark the given information on the triangles. What additional congruence would you need to show ABC  XYZ? 18. CB  ZY , AC  XZ SSS Congruence C A B X Y Z AB  XY

35 Mark the given information on the triangles
Mark the given information on the triangles. What additional congruence would you need to show ABC  XYZ? 19. CB  ZY , C  Z SAA Congruence C A B X Y Z A  X

36 What is the best way to get better at proofs?

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