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Scientific achievements

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1 Scientific achievements
Unit11 Scientific achievements

2 Questions : Can you tell me some scientific achievements?

3 electricity Edison

4 Maglev Train

5 Cars

6 Aeroplanes

7 Radio and television

8 Solar energy

9 The Theory of Gravity Issac Newton

10 Cloning

11 Which one do you think is the most important? Why ?
Electricity Cars Aeroplanes Radio and television The Internet Cloning The Theory of Gravity Nuclear science Solar energy

12 Do these achievements have anything in common ? If so, what ?
They are all important and useful for the development of mankind and society.

13 Do you know any famous scientists in the world
Do you know any famous scientists in the world? What do you know about the contributions to the world? Now look at the following questions and see how much you know about them.

14 Alexander Bell electricity
Thomas Edison the First telephone Laite Brothers the electric Lamp Madame Curie black holes in Universe Franklin Theory of Gravity Steven Hawking the First Plane Elbert Einstein Radium Isaac Newton the Theory of Relativity

15 Wow! (Neil Armstrong was born on August 5,1930)
As Armstrong became the first person to touch the Moon's surface, he spoke the unforgettable phrase, "That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind".

16 Alexander G Bell A pioneer in the field of telecommunications, Bell had been interested in the education of deaf people. This interest lead him to invent the microphone and, in 1876, his "electrical speech machine," which we now call a telephone. By 1878, Bell had set up the first telephone exchange in New Haven. By 1884, long distance connections were made between Boston and New York City.

17  Tomlinson, Ray (born 1941)  Ray Tomlinson created one of the biggest communications  phenomena almost by accident He chose the symbol to mark the difference between a message that needed to go to a mailbox on the local computer and one that was headed out onto the network

18 He is the man who first invented the bulb.

19 Do you know any history of some scientific inventions or achievements?
Look at the following pictures and see how much you know about them.

20 Emile Levassor and Rene Panhard (France) established the present design of cars - with the engine in front. The first of the modern automobiles was designed by Karl Benz in 1885. America's first automobile was built by Charles and Frank Duryea, two bicycle makers.

21 Modern cars 老牌名车──平治

22 Modern cars 保时捷 奥迪

23 Cars television Aeroplanes Computer Solar energy

24 Do you know who invented the first computer in the world?
"Who invented the computer?" is not a question with a simple answer. The real answer is that many inventors contributed to the history of computers and that a computer is a complex piece of machinery made up of many parts, each of which can be considered a separate invention. 

25 The first computer in the world.

26 If you were a great scientist, what would you invent?
If you are a richer, who will you give money to ? Dr.Wilson? Dr.Jones? Dr Smith? Dr Winfrey?

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