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Warm-up 3/5: • Place Community, Biosphere, Population, Organism and Ecosystem in order from Most Inclusive to Least Inclusive. • Name 2 herbivores and.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up 3/5: • Place Community, Biosphere, Population, Organism and Ecosystem in order from Most Inclusive to Least Inclusive. • Name 2 herbivores and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up 3/5: • Place Community, Biosphere, Population, Organism and Ecosystem in order from Most Inclusive to Least Inclusive. • Name 2 herbivores and 2 omnivores that live at the bottom of the Kelp Bed Habitat. ENERGY TRANSFER pp

2 In an ecosystem energy flows:
Sun  autotrophs  heterotrophs producers consumer

3 PRODUCERS Can make their own food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis Productivity: energy made by producers (after biological processes) available to consumers

4 gross primary productivity: rate at which producers capture energy in organic compounds. (Carbs, Fats, Proteins) biomass: the amount of organic material produced net primary productivity: the rate at which biomass accumulates (after some is used)

5 CONSUMERS get energy by eating other organisms
- herbivores: eat producers - carnivores: eat other consumers - omnivores: eat producers and consumers - detritivores: feed on “garbage” - decomposers: breakdown big molecules to smaller molecules and recycle materials

6 ENERGY TRANSFER trophic level: position in a series of energy transfers

7 Only 10% of the total energy is passed onto the next trophic level
1. lost to biological processes 2. lost as heat 3. not enough at level above to support below

8 FOOD CHAIN single pathway that traces of energy transfer
Producer  herbivore  small  large carnivore carnivore Producer 1˚ consumer ˚ ˚

9 FOOD WEB interrelated food chains

10 KEYSTONE SPECIES most dominant species in the community
Dictates community structure Demonstrated by removal of keystone species from community What would happen to the species richness if the keystone species is removed from the ecosystem?

11 Homework Worksheet Tri fold Vocab: Regulator Biomass Conformer
Ecosystem Producers Consumers Biomass Detritivore Chemosynthesis Trophic Level

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