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Conduction and Convection

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1 Conduction and Convection
22/11/2018 Conduction and Convection Objective To describe conduction and convection as processes of energy transfer in terms of the particle model.

2 Observing conduction I think the ice cube on the _______ will melt first. Setup and then come back later in the lesson to see what is happening.

3 Conduction The particles at the hot end of a solid rod have more energy so they vibrate more. They bump into their neighbours and share the energy causing them to vibrate more. The heat energy is passed along the rod.

4 Observing convection Setup demonstration to show convection.

5 Convection When a liquid or gas is heated it expands and becomes less dense. This causes it to float upwards, it is replaced by the colder fluid above it. The colder fluid is then heated so it rises. The hot fluid cools and therefore it sinks.

6 Investigating conduction
You will compare how well three metals conduct heat (thermal) energy. Use the worksheet to: Understand the method Assess the risks Record your results Reach a conclusion Use ss_th2_phys_term 4_l6_worksheet for the pupils practical work.

7 Homework Complete the answers to the questions in your books.
(ss_th2_phys_term 4_l6_sq_heat_q2) Structure heat question 2 should be set for homework.

8 Plenary/Extension Write two sentences to explain how all of the water in a pan is heated.

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