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This is my 9 th year teaching 3 rd grade at River Ridge. I have been married for 7 years. I have a 5 year old daughter named LilyAnn and a 9 month old.

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Presentation on theme: "This is my 9 th year teaching 3 rd grade at River Ridge. I have been married for 7 years. I have a 5 year old daughter named LilyAnn and a 9 month old."— Presentation transcript:


2 This is my 9 th year teaching 3 rd grade at River Ridge. I have been married for 7 years. I have a 5 year old daughter named LilyAnn and a 9 month old named Ally Grace.

3 PE – Monday and Thursday Tennis Shoes Spanish – Wednesday @ 1:30 Computer – Thurs. @ 1:10 Study Island Successmaker

4 ELA Spelling/Grammar Spelling pretest every Tuesday Spelling test every Friday Homework – Spellers Choice Menu Grammar - fix me sentences daily Teacher Directed Whole group instruction of key skills Friday – Comprehension Practice

5 ELA Guided Reading Small group instruction based on reading levels Groups are fluid Writing Write from the Beginning Independent in Writing and Editing Flee Map

6 2-3 Sentence Introduction 2-3 Sentence Conclusion Major Detail Supporting Detail

7 Social Studies SC History Notes Projects Tests

8 Lunch 11:20-11:45 Lunch times may be different during Grandparent Lunches and PASS testing. Ice Cream Fridays - $0.50 Must eat all of their lunch

9 Math Basic Facts Multiplication Timed Tests Chapter Tests Science Notes Tests

10 100-93 ~ A 85-92 ~ B 77-84 ~ C 70-76 ~ D 60-69 ~ F The lowest grade given will be a 60. Students will have to work hard for the other 40 points! Exception : Timed Math Tests

11 We will be using these standards in ELA and math. CCSS encourage students to think deeper. A correct answer is not enough. Students must be able to explain how they got their answer.

12 Rules Follow your leaders directions Keep your hands and feet to yourself Walk quietly in the halls Consequences Warning Reflection Modified Recess Parent Contact Office Referral/Detention

13 Cheer Cart Game Day

14 Jones Gap November Cowpens November Freedom Train February State Museum April

15 Agenda Any daily information will be here Please sign or initial each night Newsletter Comes home every Friday

16 Progress Reports Comes home every 2-3 weeks First one will come home next Monday Will be listed as homework in the agenda Homework in Binder Should come home each night Important papers will be in here

17 E-mail Phone – 949-7620 I can answer from 7-7:30 & 2:30-3 Website – variety of information District 5 website, River Ridge, Staff, Click on apple by my name.

18 Remind 101 Text @mrsalem to 864- 761-4215 Get quick reminders sent directly to your cell phone.

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