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World War I Propaganda Posters.

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Presentation on theme: "World War I Propaganda Posters."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War I Propaganda Posters

2 Examining Persuasion What different ways do people use to persuade an audience?

3 Logos: appeal to evidence or logic
Ethos: credibility of the speaker Pathos: emotional effect













16 Examining WWI Posters How do governments convince their citizens to support a war effort?

17 1

18 2 It is the last strokes to complete the victory! War Bonds!

19 3

20 4 War bonds. Help the guardians of your happiness

21 5 Lord Kitchner, famous for his imperial campaigns throughout the empire, became the Secretary of War

22 6 The great battle in France.
General Paul von Hindenburg, veteran from the Franco-Prussian War who became a hero after his early victories on the Eastern Front.

23 7 What does this American poster accuse the Germans of?

24 8 What does this German poster accuse the British of?

25 9 Who will take this uniform, money and rifle? The one who will join the army.

26 Reflection Why would you go to war if you were influenced by these posters? What primary strategy did governments use to convince the public to support their war effort? Why do you think those strategies were used? Which strategy was used the least? Why?

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