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Regional Civilizations

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1 Regional Civilizations





6 China First traders arrived during Ming Dynasty
Created foreign enclaves to control trade All trading went through the government as a way to control foreign influences and trade. Great demand for silk and porcelain. 1644 change to Qing Dynasty. Continue isolationist policy. New trade items going to Europe– silk, tea, porcelain


8 Japan An archipelago of 4,000 islands, 1,200 miles long.
Culturally isolated Only 15% suitable for farming. Government is a powerless emperor controlled by a military leader (shogun) Adopted policy of isolation to limit foreign influences Religion – Shinto – spirits dwell in nature.


10 War lords called Shoguns were the real power.
Warriors called samurai and lived by Code of Bushido.

11 Chinese Influences on Japan:
Buddhism system of writing art

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