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2018 Communications Plan.

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1 2018 Communications Plan

2 Older Americans Month Month-long commemoration emphasizes that you are never too old (or young) to take part in activities that can enrich your physical, mental, and emotional well- being 2018 theme, “Engage at Every Age”, celebrates ways in which older adults make a difference in our communities Led by the Administration for Community Living

3 SSAI Objectives Overall, the goal is to reinforce SSAI’s leadership in 50+ workforce development and generate SCSEP visibility for Congressional elected officials Breadcrumbs that lead to SSAI Extend awareness and understanding of work and mission of SSAI Reinforce Gary Officer as thought leader on issue of seniors in the workforce SSAI subgrantees to host events which highlight the value and importance of SCSEP and invite elected officials and staffers from local officers

4 Target Audiences Potential sponsors Local political leaders Employers
50+ Americans

5 Key Messages Importance of older workers to the economy and America
50+ over population also represents a vital segment of the nation’s economy and workforce, totaling over 70 million Critical need for workforce development There are new jobs waiting for every person displaced by automation and the only limitation is the skills needed for that new career Need to retain SCSEP as a critical component of solution (need local visibility as July 1, 2019 funding will be discussed in June/July by Congress) Reinforce SSAI as a leader in 50+ workforce development

6 Tactics Sub grantee OAM “kit”* Op-ed shared socially through partners*
Press Release Social media posts daily for month Potential podcast interviews for Gary *SSAI Content will Be Shared Through Sub Grantee Network

7 Subgrantee OAM Kit Sent from Chris or Donna, depending on what time in April to each Subgrantee Includes: Gary Op-ed shared socially through partners Customizable press release for local use Publish editorial calendar of social media posts daily for month

8 Press Release Discusses importance of older workers in today’s economy with OAM as backdrop Include SSAI leadership Include retention of SCSEP as key part of solution Distributed via PR Newswire and via social media

9 Op-Ed Authored by Gary Uses OAM as catalyst
Takes position on importance of older workers in today’s economy Pitched to local and senior issues-focused media platforms

10 “There’s a socio-cultural bias toward a shrinking youth workforce
“There’s a socio-cultural bias toward a shrinking youth workforce. All the while the 50+ workforce in America is a beckoning frontier on the verge of discovery. We choose to lead workforce development of 50+ Americans and transform the economy and generations of future workers.” - Gary A. Officer, President and CEO, SSAI


12 Social Media Post Short Form content 7x/week
See appendix for cadence/content Use #OAM18 and #SCSEPWorks Tag sub grantees and ask them to share SSAI posts Note: Half of online seniors have a Facebook account and 1 in 5 Twitter users is 50+ Consider case for SSAI Facebook page

13 Social Media -- Facebook
Consider launching SSAI Facebook page Would require small budget for paid social media advertising to build reach Note current climate Seniors don’t seem to be participating in this conversation Strong benefit to using Facebook convey message to this audience.

14 Social Media -- Content Themes
Industry Fact [Mondays*] How seniors are contributing to specific sectors or workforce as a whole Employer Spotlight [Tuesdays] Feature employers, using fact and photo (or logo), who are setting the bar for senior employment Facebook video posts [Wednesdays] Short videos featuring subgrantee senior clients stating name/age/training or job/what SCSEP or SSAI has meant to them * calendar subject to change

15 Social Media -- Content Themes
Senior Snapshots [Thursdays] Photos of seniors at work Facts and Figure [Fridays] Focus on SSAI and SCSEP and it’s contribution over the years Additional content [holidays/weekends] Capitalize on May observances (e.g. Armed Forces Day, Mother’s Day, etc.) Note: these are prepared and loaded on workdays

16 Social Media -- Sample Posts
In 2015, 33 million Americans aged 55+ were employed, and 1.3 million were actively seeking work. (Bureau of Labor Statistics [BLS] SCSEP helps seniors 55+ return to or remain in the workforce through job training, job search services, and on-the-job experience.

17 Next Steps Communications Plan Approval by 4/3
Request for Subgrantee content (photos, video clips) 4/4 Requests to Employer partners for logos/recognition copy approval 4/5 Draft Subgrantee OAM Kit for review w/o 4/9 for approval by 4/13 Activate Facebook site mid April to build community of friends Requests for content from Subgrantees and Employer partner approvals due by 4/20 Subgrantee OAM Kit and social media calendar distributed 4/23

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