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New Delegate Briefing AACP House of Delegates (HoD) April 24, 2013 3 p.m. EDT.

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Presentation on theme: "New Delegate Briefing AACP House of Delegates (HoD) April 24, 2013 3 p.m. EDT."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Delegate Briefing AACP House of Delegates (HoD) April 24, 2013 3 p.m. EDT

2 HoD Executive Council Speaker: Cynthia Boyle ( Speaker-Elect: Philip Hritcko ( Parliamentarian: Lawrence LB Brown ( Secretary: Lucinda Maine ( Members of the Executive Council are available as resources to Delegates.

3 Additional Resources Click Governance at right Separate links for governance units and committees House of Delegates –Rules of Procedure –Bylaws –Cumulative Policies

4 Organizational Chart

5 House of Delegates Regular Institutional Members are those Schools/Colleges with full or candidate ACPE accreditation status Each Regular Institutional Member is entitled to: 1 Administrative Delegate (selected) 1 Faculty Delegate (elected) 2 Alternate Delegates (1 of each type)

6 Alternate Delegates Some schools elect an Alternate Delegate annually with the expectation of service as Delegate the next year Other schools elect an Alternate from those faculty who are presenting at the Annual Meeting or involved in one or more governance units Others rotate service through departments

7 Associate AACP Members 2003 Bylaws changes designated Associate Member Institutions as those with pre-candidate ACPE status Associate Member Institutions may appoint one non-voting delegate Acceptance of new Associate Members requires House action (First Session), typically in a single vote

8 Duties of the House Stated in Article VII of AACP Bylaws 1. To determine the educational policies of the Association 2. To ratify, reject, or refer back to the Board of Directors any Association policies established by the Board of Directors between meetings of the House 3. To approve the Association's strategic plan as developed by the Board of Directors (last done in 2010) 4. To elect a Speaker-elect on even numbered years

9 Duties of the House (continued) 5. To approve institutional memberships 6. To review programs established by the Board of Directors 7. To set the annual dues for the members of the Association as described in Article IV of AACP Bylaws 8. To adopt and amend the Bylaws of this Association

10 Perspective on HoD Duties Broad responsibilities HoD serves as legislative body of AACP Not all duties occur annually 2013 likely to involve 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8 Assures equal input from administrators and faculty Engaged delegates (not just show up and vote)

11 AACP Bylaws and Policy Development Committee (BPDC) Evan Robinson, 2013 BPDC Chair 7 Members, staggered terms, with Speaker as BoD liaison Serves as the Rules Committee for HoD –Receives all of the business for the House, including resolutions, policy statements, bylaws changes –Convenes an open hearing for member input and clarification; can modify/amend policy language –Recommends adoption, rejection, referral for each policy that comes before the House

12 What Is Policy? Expression of an Association position, value, or belief on an issue related to pharmacy education/academics Consistent with the AACP mission Submitted by April 15 Considered by BPDC Accepted by action of the House of Delegates Compiled and referenced for use with both external and internal audiences- posted at (Click Governance)

13 How Are Policies Forwarded? 3 Pathways: –A resolution from an organizational unit (BOD, Council, Section, SIG, group of AACP members) –A BOD-established policy between meetings of the House of Delegates –A proposed policy statement in an AACP Standing Committee report

14 How Are Policies Adopted? Affirmative vote (majority) of the AACP House of Delegates BOD vote (2/3 majority required) on policy it establishes between meetings of the HoD; that policy must subsequently be approved by the HoD (by majority vote)

15 Example Policy Statement: 2013 Professional Affairs Committee (Proposed PAC policy) AACP supports the establishment of a recognized triad relationship between (among) the schools/colleges of pharmacy, boards of pharmacy, and state pharmacy associations for the successful advancement of pharmacy practice and the role of pharmacists in interprofessional patient and healthcare settings.

16 Key Points for a Delegate Using PAC Example Read PAC report prior to Annual Meeting for background/context and scan existing policies Solicit opinions of colleagues at your school Comment at BPDC Open Hearing Speak on House floor when recognized by Speaker Vote on BPDC recommendation Communicate back to home campus

17 Role of the Delegate Its not just a summer job! Assure link between AACP and School/College Provide two-way communication Represent School/College to AACP Reflect AACP locally Serve to establish AACP policy Provide informed leadership and transition Benefits- part of the action, inside knowledge, new network of colleagues, engagement, honor, privilege

18 Delegates of Record Election/Selection –Initiated each fall, ideally in October –One year term of office beginning Nov. 1 –Changes can be made up until 1 week prior to first House session –At, click Governance, House of Delegates for Delegates of –Assure accurate and complete roster –Notify Angie Edwards

19 Delegate Communications Posted on website HoD Bulletins (primary vehicle) –3 to 4 per year –Review all since July 2012 Speaker Communiqués –As needed

20 Issues for the 2013 House The preliminary report of the Bylaws and Policy Development Committee (BPDC) will be included in the April HoD Bulletin. –Membership requests from pre-candidate Schools/Colleges –Proposed policy statements from Standing Committee reports, etc. –Proposed Bylaws revisions (extensive)

21 2013 HoD Briefings Recommended for all Delegates Select one (same content) May 28 at 3:00 p.m. EDT (1 hour) To access the call, dial 800-391-2548 and enter the pass code 51091387 followed by the # sign May 30 at 1:00 p.m. EDT (1 hour) To access the call, dial 800-391-2548 and enter the pass code 66130562 followed by the # sign Provide a forum for policy discussion prior to discussion/votes at Annual Meeting Inform the HoD Executive Council of any additional background information needed for full consideration of a proposed policy

22 Prepare for Annual Meeting A Delegate should: -Verify your Delegates of Record -Review reports and action items for the HoD -Connect with the full delegation from your School/College to review key policy issues and discuss your intended votes -Connect with faculty members on key policy issues to know how they advise you to vote -Make travel arrangements to be available for the entire second House of Delegates session (July 17, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.) -Bring electronic or printed documents -Review HoD Rules of Procedure and basic Roberts Rules of Order

23 Thank you for your service to AACP. The mission of AACP is to lead and partner with our members in advancing pharmacy education, research, scholarship, practice, and service to improve societal health.

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