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2 GETTING READY Social security number Retirement For life Individual

3 GETTING READY Work permit
Form issued by school officials that gives legal permission to work during school hours Restricts number of hours worked Types of jobs a student can perform 15 and younger

4 JOB LEADS Family and friends In-school sources
Newspaper classified ads Job service Private Employment Agencies Direct Employer Contact Internet

Open ad Tells job requirements, identifies employer, how to apply Blind ad Name, address, and number of employer not shown Catch-type ad Promise good pay and downplay the qualifications needed Agency spot ad Omits the name of the employer; used by private employment agencies

6 Assignment Bring in a newspaper’s help-wanted section
Cut out two example of the four types of ads discussed earlier Tape examples onto a sheet of paper and label each ad

7 Assignment 2 Use the internet to conduct the following activities:
Search the classified section of a local newspaper for job openings Identify employers in area having web pages and check to see if they have info on employment opportunities Write down the websites, employer, and if the opportunities are on the web, also include info about the job itself

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