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GPS Atlas of CO Shells and IR Bubbles

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1 GPS Atlas of CO Shells and IR Bubbles
Thermal ISM Physics Tsuda, Y., Sofue.Y., Onodera, S. & GPS Team @ NRO UM 1.Atlas of CO Shells (1) Identify CO Shells/=> GPS Atlas of CO Shells (2) Shells with/without IR (Spitzer) bubbles or Radio SNRs (3) Thermal/Gravitational ISM Physics MSX 26 mu GPS CO on MSX +SB/SNR (CO Peak-intensity map by J. Nishimura ) Spitzer bub. SNR N12 = G (Spitzer bub. (Deharveng et al. 2012) 2. CO Shell Properties G in CO Ico Velo. channel maps, PV diagrams 3. Thermal ISM Physics Gravitational Clumps Vlsr=57 km/s Vsig~2 km/s Dkin~5 kpc R~10 pc Ico ~ 20 K km/s N~4 E21 H2 cm^-2 Mmol~5 E3 Msun Mdyn~4 E3Msun Ekin ~ Egrav~E48 ergs Thermal Shells, arcs, filaments G mu Formation of shells/filaments/holes by thermal instabbility (Sofue, Sabano 1986)

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