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EHS Update…Training 30 Day Overdue Notifications started March 23

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1 EHS Update…Training 30 Day Overdue Notifications started March 23
PI’s, their proxy’s, and Lab Directors Will receive 30 day overdue s for any trainees who are 30 or more days overdue for mandatory trainings The s will continue every week until training is completed or until they leave University If Trainees have left your lab then remove them from your People-Soft roster

2 EHS Update…..Eyewashes Please remind lab / department that eyewashes should be flushed weekly This can be a quick turn on and off Ensure: Water runs clear Eyewash is not blocked and has easy access Any defects are reported to facilities

3 New Container Labeling Stickers Available on EHS website under “Tools” then “Laboratory Labels & Stickers”

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