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Files and Folders.

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Presentation on theme: "Files and Folders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Files and Folders

2 apologies

3 First step Download Filezilla CLIENT Website: software page
If you are using a Mac, you may need to use Safari instead of Chrome

4 Organizing information

5 How do we store paper data?
Unorganized piles or file cabinets? It’s all there Which is more efficient? Why? How do you get “the May bill”?

6 How do you store your photos?
Scroll through every photo you have? Or albums?

7 What about storing them on computers
If everything is uniquely named, a matter of convenience If want to re-use names? Best practice for web pages is to always use the same name for the first page: index.html The folder identifies (123 Main St)

8 On a computer Files are the content Folders are the holders
Files always have extensions Tells the computer what is in it Remember: everything is bits! Folders are the holders Folders can have folders inside them As many times as you want

9 The file types that you will be using
.html -- the instructions that structure the web page .css -- the instructions that let you format the page .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, … -- pictures Folders “extension” is / What is on the other side of the / is contained in the folder It can be another folder or a file Never use a “.” in a folder name Better not to use spaces

10 Saving files on your computer
COMP101 (This will mirror your class directory) In, first page (not in a folder) will point to all other work folder for every assignment and project and most labs

11 creating a local web page


13 Setting up WWW101 Host: Username: your onyen
Password: your onyen password. When you change your onyen password, you need to use your new pasword here. Port:22. This tells it that you are using SFTP.

14 Filezilla layout Your computer www101 server No Magic. You need to move files between them. Drag and Drop.

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