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Photographing Glass.

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Presentation on theme: "Photographing Glass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photographing Glass

2 Each of you will be responsible for 2 glass items
Use a black cloth background. Photography by Kevin Hewitt

3 A lot of specular highlights, what we don’t really want here. Keep it clean.

4 Following pages information from:

5 Colored liquid only. Set up for black – cut out a piece of paper for the back of a colored bottle. Use black go bos to block the back light from coming forward.If photographing liquid, cut out a paper for the back. See below.

6 Another way to do a black background set up. Light tent is easier
Another way to do a black background set up. Light tent is easier. If you have lens flare, use gobos to block this.

7 Set up for white. com/tips-for-photographing- glassware-on-both-black-and- white-backgrounds/ Shut off the lights.

8 Have the black card inside and light the background only.
Light tent version,

9 Front fill card needed to light the front of this.

10 Hand in just 1 glass photo, either one against black, or against white
Hand in just 1 glass photo, either one against black, or against white. Could have liquid in it. Do not photograph alcohol. A B C Clean photo, no specular highlights. Both lighting sides even. Lighting sides uneven. Specular highlight issues, lights too close to the tent. No lens flare. Some lens flare but corrected in PS. Lens flare Post brings in more sharpness, not overdone, not underdone. Magazine quality. Post brings in more sharpness, not overdone, not underdone. Post overdone and underdone.

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