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Mastery and enrichment in maths

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1 Mastery and enrichment in maths

Every child can succeed given appropriate learning experiences. Mastered through: exploration, clarification, practice and application over time. Represent learning in a variety of ways Has the mathematical language to communicate Can think mathematically with the concept to apply independently to a new problem 3. A learner who has mastered a concept or skills can:

3 MASTERY A cumulative curriculum, with sufficient time
Purposeful planning Every child in a year group studying the same concepts and skills Very clear purpose for each task, for each lesson Taking things slower for everyone for every child to access age-appropriate concept clarity as to content to be: explored, clarified, practiced and applied. 4. every moment of every lesson is extremely important, but important as part of a coherent long-term learning experience. 5. spending longer with new concepts.

4 ENRICHMENT Supporting and challenging pupils through depth.
Not accelerating relatively high attainers Deepening conceptual understanding Developing communication Encouraging pupils to think like mathematicians mathematical thinking, multiple representations, communication by rushing to cover content. through use of physical and diagrammatic representations and making connections. through explicitly teaching pupils to discuss mathematics in grammatically correct full sentences with accurate terminology: explaining and justifying. through opportunities to seek patterns and rules, ask and answer open questions, sorting and comparing.

Mastery of End of Year Expectations: The learner knows it, understands it, can explain it and demonstrate it through their work. Deeper Learner: The learner can use/apply their mastery accurately, fluently, flexibly and effectively. The learner has mastered the objective at the end of year standard. They are independently accurate. in a range of contexts. Evaluating its use and creating new learning and links to current understanding.

6 Have copies to share Pre-structural Uni-structural Multi structural Relational Extended abstract

7 Learning Journey @tim_jumpclarke
What is the key idea / understanding they need: without this they won’t get anything else. The other key separate elements they need to be taught, so they understand. Opportunities for them to make links, apply, problem solve Opportunities to take it further: investigate, create, evaluate Share examples of Y2 and Y3. Give time for colleagues to read, explain and take questions. Feel free to contact me via twitter for these and blank e.copies @tim_jumpclarke

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