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Year 7 Les devoirs Summer 1.

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1 Year 7 Les devoirs Summer 1

2 Year 7 french * Knowledge organiser * summer term 1 L’Ecole tu aimes?
Year 7 french * Knowledge organiser * summer term L’Ecole tu aimes? Vocabulaire CREATE A TYPICAL SCHOOL DAY ROUTINE: What you do before school, at school and after school. What do you know about school in France? Can you compare with your school in UK? Independent Learning. Independent Reading/ Listening and Grammar work on your Kerboodle e-book  Memrise App – weekly challenges to help you memorise topical vocabulary. Use language from previous topics: What do you eat before school? What are you teachers like? How would your daily routine be different?

3 Homework 1 Quelle est ta matière préféré? Tu aimes….? Pourquoi?
Due w/c 21st May Homework 1 Research – the favourite school subjects of your friends and family – ask them what they like in French and then translate the question and their answers into English. What do you think will be the most popular subject? Quelle est ta matière préféré? Tu aimes….? Pourquoi? Est-ce que tu aimes……..? L’histoire, tu aimes ça? Translate the following sentence: J’adore les SVT car je pense que c’est très interessant et passionant. Write a sentence about someone else’s favourite subject. Ma mère adore les maths care elle pense que c’est assez utile.

4 Homework 4 HALF TERM School start & finish time Rules Uniform
Due w/c 4th June Homework 4 HALF TERM Research the differences between schools in France and in the United Kingdom and create a Poster or a factsheet on this. You should include: School start & finish time Rules Uniform Equipment Classes routine holidays

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