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Philosophy in the Age of Reason

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1 Philosophy in the Age of Reason
Chapter 2 Section 1

2 Focus Question What effects did Enlightenment philosophers have on government and society?

3 Scientific Revolution Sparks the Enlightenment
Scientific successes convinced educated Europeans of the power of human reason. Began using natural law to explain social, economic, and political problems The use of new science to study human behavior led to the Enlightenment

4 Thomas Hobbes Wrote the Leviathan which stated that people were cruel, greedy, and selfish Presented the concept of Social Contract in which people give up their rights for an organized society. Very pessimistic or negative

5 John Locke Wrote the Two Treatises of Government.
People form government to protect their natural rights of life, liberty, and property Government has an obligation to those it governs

6 Montesquieu Wrote The Spirit of the Laws
It promoted the idea of Separation of powers, with a legislative, executive and judicial branch. Checks and balances: ensures that branches are doing their job.

7 Voltaire Criticized powerful institutions for being unjust
Attacked corrupt government and inequality Supported freedom of speech and was against the enslavement of people.

8 Rousseau Wrote The Social Contract
Despised political & economic oppression Society is restrictive Advocated the will of the majority & the common good

9 Diderot He edited and produced the Encyclopedia
It was a 28 volume of work that he hope would “change the general way of thinking” It attacked injustice… The French government saw it attack on public morals and banned the book.

10 Mary Wollstonecraft A Vindication of the Rights of Women
In the book, she promoted equal education for girls and boys Believed that education would allow women to equally participate in the public sphere

11 Adam Smith Supported laissez faire economics - gov’t. has little to no interference (hands off!) Wrote The Wealth of Nations. Which mentions how the free market regulates business

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