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Les Miserables, Part 2/Cosette

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1 Les Miserables, Part 2/Cosette
Empathy Exercise A lark

2 It was a harrowing sight to see in the winter time the poor child, not yet six years old, shivering under the tatters of what was once a calico dress, sweeping the street before day light with an enormous broom in her little red hands and tears in her large eyes. In the place she was called The Lark. People like figurative names and were pleased thus to name this little being, not larger than a bird, trembling, frightened, and shivering, awake every morning first of all in the house and the village. Only the poor lark never sang (Hugo 47). The Lark Who Never Sang

3 After reading the previous quote, discuss:
What kinds of imagery does Hugo use in this passage? How does Hugo’s imagery make us feel about Cosette? Does he want us to sympathize with her? Does he want us to empathize with her? Why does this difference matter?

4 The difference? Sympathy Empathy Pity
Feeling sorry for someone who is going through something that is outside your experience “Thank heavens that’s not me!” Understanding Knowing how someone feels, relating to their experience Walking a mile in their shoes “That was once me!”

5 Victor Hugo wrote Les Miserables —in part—to help his readers empathize with the poor in France in the early 1800's. Could we learn to empathize with people living in the slums of India today? On a smaller scale, can you recall an incident when you felt empathy for another individual?

6 Have you ever … If not, can you imagine what that experience was like?
Not eaten for 24 hours? Been stopped and searched by a security officer for no reason? Had someone assume you’re guilty when you were innocent? Had to wear the same clothes two days in a row? Had a friend die a violent death? Had your water or electricity or gas cut off? Had to wash your hair with soap because there was no money for shampoo?

7 Empathy Exercise: Cosette
Review Part 2 of Les Miserables and walk again in Cosette’s shoes. See life through her eyes. Empathize with her so well that you can write in her diary. Empathy Exercise: Cosette

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