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Medieval Public Health-Revision

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1 Medieval Public Health-Revision

2 Disease: E_________ Caused by: B________ D________ Believed causes:

3 Disease: Ergotism Caused by: mouldy rye bread Black Death
Caused by: fleas on rats (bubonic) and water droplets passed on through coughing Believed causes: God Miasma Unbalanced humours Planets out of alignment A ‘look’ from the sick ‘Cures’: bleeding, prayer, herbs, flagellation

4 Living Conditions: Towns v Countryside
Water: Channelled in via l______ p_____. Paid for by the C______. Water came from springs. Waste: R______ employed to clean streets. By 1500, most towns had one. Waste then spread on fields by the p________ or tipped in to nearby s______! (shitbrook in Exeter)! Roads and streets: Not p_______ so turned to m_____ in rain. Filthy trades in towns e.g: B_________ T__________ M_____ w______ W______w______ L_______ b______. H_____ packed tightly together. Tops overhung and made streets d____ Countryside Peasants houses: S______ A______ lived inside B____ f_____ No g_____ in windows Waste= c___ h___ Or c_____ p____ beneath a l______.

5 Living Conditions: Towns v Countryside
Water: Channelled in via lead pipes. Paid for by the Church. Water came from springs. Waste: Rakers employed to clean streets. By 1500, most towns had one. Waste then spread on fields by the peasants or tipped in to nearby stream! (shitbrook in Exeter)! Roads and streets: Not paved so turned to mud in rain. Filthy trades in towns e.g: Butchers Tanners Metal workers. Washer women Lime burners. Houses packed tightly together. Tops overhung and made streets dark Countryside Peasants houses: Smokey Animals lived inside Bare floors No glass in windows Waste= cat holes Or cess pits beneath a latrine.

6 Monasteries-their strengths
One example of a monastery is F________ A_______. S______ w_____ piped in from nearby hills. Separate k______ Gardens filled with h_____, In______ for the sick W_______ were used by monks and nuns who regularly w______. L_______ near the r_____ so the waste would be f______away. i_________ from the rest of society

7 Monasteries-their strengths
One example of a monastery is Fountains Abbey Spring water piped in from nearby hills. Separate kitchens Gardens filled with herbs Infirmaries for the sick Washrooms were used by monks and nuns who regularly washed. Latrines near the river so the waste would be flushed away. Isolation from the rest of society

8 Healthcare in towns before Plague, 1250-1348:
Shrewsbury = King E_______ I allowed Shrewsbury and some other towns to p_____ their streets Norwich= N______ and s_____ used to punish people for p_____ rivers. York= King Edward ordered people to C_____ their s______. (1301) Bristol moved unsavoury people and products to its outskirts, including: L______ P______ and D_________

9 Healthcare in towns before Plague, 1250-1348:
Shrewsbury = King Edward I allowed Shrewsbury and some other towns to pave their streets Norwich= Naming and shaming used to punish people for polluting rivers. York= King Edward ordered people to Clean their streets. (1301) Bristol moved unsavoury people and products to its outskirts, including: Lepers Prostitutes and Dungheaps

10 After the Black Death (1348-1500)
London lead the way: 1385-London appointed a w_____ to check banks of the T_____ was clear of f____ and d______ ’_____’ (public baths) closed butchers built underground p_____ for removal of w____ (after they were banned from the city)

11 After the Black Death (1348-1500)
London lead the way: 1385-London appointed a warden to check banks of the Thames was clear of filth and dungheaps ’stews’ (public baths) closed butchers built underground passages for removal of waste (after they were banned from the city

12 The Early Modern Period
Problems of Public Health: P_______ of 16___. Response by the Government: P________ O______ of 1518, 1578 and 1604 S______ appointed F_____ should take place at dusk C______ of a victim should be b_____ 1604= h_____ for s____ families. But also harsh p_______ for those breaking laws of curfew e.g h_______ if ill people were found to be mingling amongst the healthy. Also some efforts made to clean up towns e.g. In York, f_____ for people leaving d_____ . C_____ pits had to be emptied if o_______.

13 The Early Modern Period
Problems of Public Health: Plague of 1666. Response by the Government: Plague Orders of 1518, 1578 and 1604 Searchers appointed to check for causes of death Funerals should take place at dusk Clothes of a victim should be burnt 1604= help for sick families. But also harsh punishments for those breaking laws of curfew e.g hanging if ill people were found to be mingling amongst the healthy. Also some efforts made to clean up towns e.g. In York, fines for people leaving dungheaps. Cesspits had to be emptied if overflowing.

14 G_____! G____ laws : 1689-Government banned i_______ gin-this made the problem much worse as people bought and sold cheap gin-d____ shops 1729-gin tax for distillers of 5 shillings. Little effect because to difficult to e_____. 1736-Gin A___. L_____ went up to £50 but again the law could not be e_______. 1751-The 17___ G____ A___. This worked! Harsh punishments for those caught selling without a license. Punishment 1= i________; Punishment 2 = w_______; punishment 3 = t___________

15 Gin! Gin laws : 1689-Government banned imported gin-this made the problem much worse as people bought and sold cheap gin-dram shops 1729-gin tax for distillers of 5 shillings. Little effect because to difficult to enforce. 1736-Gin Act. Licences went up to £50 but again the law could not be enforced; so little effect. 1751-The 1751 Gin Act. This worked! Harsh punishments for those caught selling without a license. Punishment 1= imprisoned; Punishment 2 = whipped; punishment 3 = transported

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