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Quotes to aid reflection

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1 Quotes to aid reflection
Discipleship Quotes to aid reflection Christ did not appoint professors, but followers. Soren Kierkegaard

2 Discipleship Task Group
None of us has got it together But together, we’ve got it. J John Discipleship Task Group

3 If we don’t disciple people, the culture will. Alan Hirsch

4 Christian faith is trust in God made known in Jesus and disciples are those who have started to live in trust and are resolved to follow Jesus. Roger Walton The Reflective Disciple p.115

5 “With God one does not arrive at a fixed position; rather one walks along a way. One moves ahead or one is not with God. God knows the whole way; we only know the next step and the final goal. There is no stopping; every day, every hour it goes further. Whoever sets his foot on this way finds that his life has become a journey on the road. It leads through green pastures and through the dark valley, but the Lord will always lead on the right pathway.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer

6 It is important to recognize that mastering any of the disciplines requires effort on both the levels of understanding the principles and following the practices. It is tempting to think that just because one understands certain principles one has "learned" about the discipline. This is the familiar trap of confusing intellectual understanding with learning. Learning always involves new understanding and new behaviours, "thinking" and "doing". This is the reason for distinguishing principles from practices. Both are vital." The Fifth Discipline (1990), Peter Senge

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