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Diseases Help me! I’m dying..

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Presentation on theme: "Diseases Help me! I’m dying.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diseases Help me! I’m dying.

2 Disease Disease is a plant disorder caused by an infectious pathogen or agent

3 Three Conditions Necessary for Diseases
Host plant Disease causing organism or pathogen must be present Favorable environment for disease organism to develop

4 Groups of pathogens Bacteria Fungi Viruses
Parasitic plants- mistletoe, dodder, lichens (attach to plants)

5 Plant Disease Must be identified before they can be treated
Warm temperatures and moist conditions in greenhouse plant production make most horticulture plant diseases worse

6 Disease Preventing plant disease through sanitation and insect control is much easier than treating the disease.

7 Diseases Blight Canker sores Damping off Galls Leaf spot Mildew Mosaic
Rots Rust Smut Wilt Parasitic Plants

8 Blight- Bacteria and Fungi
Cause plant to quickly turn brown or black as if they had been burned One specific blight is fire blight-devastating apple crops

9 Canker-Bacteria and Fungi
Causes open wounds on woody plant stems

10 Damping off- Fungi Fungal disease
Causes young plants and seedling to rot off at soil level

11 Galls- Bacteria and Fungi
Round swelling or growths on plants Usually caused by an insect that vectors the disease

12 Leaf spot- Bacteria and Fungi
Rings of different shades of brown, green, or yellow Looks like dots or circles

13 Mildew Grows on leaf surfaces Upper and lower leaves
Appears as white, gray or purple spots Example is powdery mildew

14 Mosaic- Virus Caused by a virus
Leaves have irregular mottled areas with patterns Ranges from dark green to light green to yellow to white

15 Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV)
This is a nasty virus Transmitted by smokers from tobacco to tomato (most often) Another reason not to smoke, y’all!

16 Rots- Fungi Causes plants to decay and die Usually has a unique smell

17 Rust- Fungi Causes small spots on leaves
Resembles yellow, orange, brown or red rust Mainly on underneath of leaf

18 Smut- Fungi Black powdery disease Causes blisters that burst open
Releases black spores Grows on aphid’s honeydew

19 Wilt- Fungi and Bacteria
Disease that blocks the uptake of water in plants stems Causes plants to look constantly wilted even when adequately watered

20 Parasitic Plants Lichen Dodder Mistletoe
Roots into plant and uses its sugars and starves or chokes out host plant

21 Disease Treatment Fungus? Use a fungicide
Use resistant cultivars when available for virus and wilt resistance Cut out diseased portions with sterile equipment

22 Disease Treatment 4. Keep it clean 5. Reduce humidity and warmth
6. Control insects that spread disease 7. Quarantine infected plants

23 Disease Treatment Remove dead plant material from area
Promote ventilation and air circulation Prevent disease, it’s easier than treating!

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