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Matthew Allen Comp 2903 October 28th 2010

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1 Matthew Allen Comp 2903 October 28th 2010
Cyber Attacks Matthew Allen Comp 2903 October 28th 2010

2 What is the difference between a cyber attack and cyber warfare?
How many know the difference, or if there is a difference between the two? Example: United Kingdom man hacks into NASA and other US computer networks. His goal was to see if the US was covering up the existence of aliens. Is this an attack or warfare?

3 What is a Cyber Attack? Cyber Warfare?
A cyber attack is defined as “an attempt to undermine or compromise the function of a computer-based system, or attempt to track the online movements of individuals without their permission”[Tatum] Cyber Warfare is “the use of the Internet to wage war in the virtual world, often with real effects in the physical world”[McGuigan]

4 Summary of the article “UK says it gets hit by 1000 cyber attacks monthly” Satter, Raphael G. October 13th 2010 That the UK gets approximately 1,000 cyber attacks in a month. 20,000 Malicious s being sent to government networks. That E-crime can cost countries a lot of money. The importance of cyber security Possibilities to prevent and ways to counter

5 Protection against cyber attacks
Article mentions that UK was considering using cyber warfare to deter others from using cyber attacks. 2005, Ottawa created something called the Canadian Cyber Incident Response Centre. A system was set up by the US. Started in May Became organized in May It was slated to be fully operational on October 1st. The US president getting an internet “kill switch”

6 My position about cyber attacks
I think that cyber attacks are bad because of all the things that happen because of them, from causing damages to networks to causing cyber warfare.

7 Alternative position An alternate position to the one previously presented is that we could not do anything and leave everything the way it is, cyber attacks and all.

8 Risks of my position The risks of dealing with the issue of cyber attacks is that it may fully evolve into greater threats such as use of cyber warfare. Having too much power within one preventative measures group, gives them power to censor other things, which may not need censoring

9 Links to class topics One of the five things to know about technological change. “Always winners and losers in technological change”[Postman] The second connection to class is the international topic, which we have yet to cover.

10 Conclusion Cyber attacks are bad. They are not likely to go away
People will continue to take advantage of others by using the internet

11 Sources “Hacker fears 'UFO cover-up‘” BBC News May 2006 “What is a cyber attack?” Tatum, Malcolm September 9th 2010 What is cyber warfare? McGuigan, Brendan September 9th 2010 “Cyber Warfare: US Military Hackers and Internet Spies” Savin, Leonid September 6th 2010 c6c0-48bf-8d e2600 “Canada needs protection from cyber attacks, CSIS says” National Post January 2nd 2008 dyn/content/article/2010/10/13/AR html (the article) The Washington post Satter, Raphael G. October 13th 2010 “Five things we need to know about technological change” Computers in society Postman, Neil Pg. 4March 27th 1998 National post Goodspeed, Peter October 25th 2010

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