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Modern Communication and Society

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Presentation on theme: "Modern Communication and Society"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modern Communication and Society

2 Transistor

3 Integrated Circuit

4 IC chip


6 Facts to consider Extended plot stories over multiple episodes require audience commitment USA TODAY, the country’s most popular newspapers, uses very short stories and lots of graphics Sound bites have shortened from 42 seconds to 7 Tweets have a 140 character limit

7 Low threshold of boredom Era of instant gratification
Result Short attention span Low threshold of boredom Era of instant gratification


9 Greatest change in society
The computer They run everything They make the decisions They hold all the information about all of us

10 Modern communication and society
We’re at the beck and call of our devices We’ve developed a low threshold of boredom We’ve lost our privacy Anything anybody wants to say they can say to everybody We’re in a global village

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