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Estes/Neill Professor of Finance

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1 Estes/Neill Professor of Finance
CMO Info on Bloomberg Chris Lamoureux, PhD Head of Finance Estes/Neill Professor of Finance University of Arizona

2 Generic Prepayment Data
Bloomberg provides generic prepayment data for Agency Pools. Here is an example screen for 30-Year Freddie Mac pools (from January 18, 2005). (Note that the outstanding 5.5% Pools increased by over 500 over the past month.) 11/22/2018 Mortgage Backed Securities

3 Sample Prepayment Screen
11/22/2018 Mortgage Backed Securities

4 Mortgage Backed Securities
11/22/2018 CountryWide Home CMO In the next slides we’ll look at an actual CMO issued by Countrywide Financial. This is not an agency. Credit enhancements are achieved by a senior/subordinate structure that entails both insurance against default (for the senior tranches), and allocation of credit risk. This particular pool is designated: Countrywide Home 30-Yr: It is a $500 million pool divided into 16 tranches. Here is a hyperlink to the prospectus (.doc format). 11/22/2018 Mortgage Backed Securities

5 Mortgage Backed Securities
Notes 11/22/2018 Interesting aspects of the Deal: Note that all tranches are rated by Fitch and most by Moody’s. Note that the A-3 tranche is protected by financial guarantee insurance. Note that the A-3 tranche is the longest-lived of the tranches. This deal has no PAC / Companion tranches. The Bloomberg screens about this deal are on the following slides. 11/22/2018 Mortgage Backed Securities

6 Mortgage Backed Securities
11/22/2018 MBS Features (Cont’d.) 11/22/2018 Mortgage Backed Securities

7 Mortgage Backed Securities
11/22/2018 CWHL structure In your opening, establish the relevancy of the topic to the audience. Give a brief preview of the presentation and establish value for the listeners. Take into account your audience’s interest and expertise in the topic when choosing your vocabulary, examples, and illustrations. Focus on the importance of the topic to your audience, and you will have more attentive listeners. 11/22/2018 Mortgage Backed Securities

8 Mortgage Backed Securities
CWHL structure 11/22/2018 Mortgage Backed Securities

9 Mortgage Backed Securities
CWHL structure On the next 2 slides I present the HPR screens from Bloomberg for the A-10 tranche. You can access this directly: 12669EP83 <MTGE> <GO> (The 8-digit string is the CUSIP of A-10.) 11/22/2018 Mortgage Backed Securities

10 Mortgage Backed Securities
CWHL A10 HPR 11/22/2018 Mortgage Backed Securities

11 Mortgage Backed Securities
CWHL A10 HPR 11/22/2018 Mortgage Backed Securities

12 Mortgage Backed Securities
CWHL A1 The next screen provides the first page of the Bloomberg description of the A1 tranche. 12669EN77 <MTGE> <GO> (The 8-digit string is the CUSIP of A-10.) 11/22/2018 Mortgage Backed Securities

13 Mortgage Backed Securities
CWHL A1 Description 11/22/2018 Mortgage Backed Securities

14 Mortgage Backed Securities
CWHL A1 Notes The overall pool’s original WAC is 5.65%. At this point, the WAC is 5.71%. Note that there were high prepayments in March – May of 2004. (Indeed the “AR” (PO) tranche is already fully paid off.) 11/22/2018 Mortgage Backed Securities

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