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Doc (1) Vision for WIGOS in 2040

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1 Doc. 5.4.2(1) Vision for WIGOS in 2040
Draft Decision 5.4.2(1)/1; Vision for WIGOS in 2040; Draft Recommendation 5.4.2(1)/1; Definition of “space”.

2 Background EC-66: CBS to lead the development of a “Vision for WIGOS in 2040” Separate draft “Vision” documents developed for the space-based and surface-based components under the leadership by ET-SAT and IPET-OSDE, respectively (CBS-16-INF (1) and CBS-16-INF (2)) The definition and delineation of “space” has been a matter of discussions within the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) for many years, due to its legal implications. The International Meteorological Vocabulary (WMO-No. 182) does not include a definition of “space”. ET-SAT, through ICT-IOS, is proposing a definition and CBS is asked to recommend that EC adopts this as a WMO definition. [The Commission …] decides

3 Decision 5.4.2(1)/1 Recommends that the current draft of the “Vision for the WIGOS space-based component observing systems in 2040” be used as the basis for further consultation […] Recommends that ICG-WIGOS take ownership of the further development of the Vision, including the work necessary for the integration of the two drafts into one coherent Vision document with a view to have it adopted by Cg-18

4 Recommendation 5.4.2(1)/1 No clear definition and delineation of “space” in the International Meteorological Vocabulary (WMO-No. 182) does not include a definition of “space”; ET-SAT, through ICT-IOS, is proposing a definition and is requesting CBS to recommend that EC adopts this as a WMO definition.

5 Thank you

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