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Who are these men?.

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1 Who are these men?



4 What do you know about life in the South during the 1930’s?
Stock market CRASH in 1929 About 13 million Americans had no jobs More than 750,000 farmers lost land President FDR’s efforts helped relieve the hardships of the depression African Americans were considered second class citizens The Jim Crow Laws in the South legitimized racism

5 The author, Harper Lee Studied law but quit within 6 months of completing degree Grew up in the Great Depression Bases the role of Atticus Finch on her own father, who was also an attorney TKAM was her only published novel Lived as a recluse most of her life Died at the age of 89 on February 19, 2016

6 The Legacy of Mockingbird
Recently as 2009, ranked #1 most influential book, beating the Holy Bible Sold over 30 MILLION copies worldwide Published in 1960 Won the Pulitzer Prize Academy Award Winning Film 1962 The plot reflects Lee’s own childhood in Alabama….

7 Meet the Characters


9 The Influence of TKAM… “To Kill a Mockingbird brought me a whole new awareness of people who were other, and what they suffered because of it. It is fair to say that this novel changed my life—changed the way I thought about race, class, and discrimination…It remains as relevant today as it was the day it was written. It never ages.” -Lee Smith, professor and author of twelve novels

10 Current Event Find a news article that relates to one of the 11 statements on the TKAM Pre-Reading Discussion. Note which one you are using. Summarize your article in 5-6 sentences and explain in 3-4 sentences how it relates to the theme/issue/concept from the discussion paper. Note where your article came from and the date of publication. Conclude your explanation with your opinion on the subject. 10-15 sentences total.

11 PA Standards PDE 430 Category I: Planning and Preparation-Student teacher/candidate demonstrates thorough knowledge of content and pedagogical skills in planning and preparation. Student teacher makes plans and sets goals based on the content to be taught/learned, knowledge of assigned students, and the instructional context. Alignment: (1)(i)(A), (B), (C), (G), (H) PDE Chapter A-Knowledge of Subject Matter-The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline the teacher teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for all students. (Category I-Planning and Preparation) PSSA/PA-Academic: A: Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. Respond with grade-level-appropriate questions, ideas, information or opinions. PA ELPS- Language Arts Cluster 9-12: Listening, Level 5-Bridging: Draw conclusions based on information acquired from visually-supported lectures on a topic found in grade-level text. Alternative Academic Standards ( F) Understand the meaning of and apply key vocabulary across the various subject areas. Assessment Anchor- R11.A Identify and explain main ideas and relevant details.

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