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??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Final.

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2 ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 Final

3 MPAs Acts Organizations Humans Surprise 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

4 Term referring to the practice of intercepting migrants as soon as they leave a protected area

5 What is fishing the line (200 points)

6 What country tends to over-report its marine fish catch

7 What is China (400 points)

8 Harming of the seafloor or organisms through lost gear armed with thousands of hooks

9 What is ghost fishing (600 points)

10 Collections of protected areas having the emergent property of conserving more effectively as a whole than they would if their protected places were not connected

11 What are networks (800 points)

12 Miles of ocean from a country’s border that under its jurisdiction

13 What is 200 nautical miles (1000 points)

14 Provides federal guidance for preventing, responding to, and defining liability for oil pollution incidents

15 What is Oil Pollution Act (200 points)

16 Regulates pollutant discharges into U.S. waters

17 What is Federal Water Pollution Control Act (400 points)


19 Requires agencies to consider impacts to environment for proposed actions

20 What is National Environmental Policy Act (600 points)

21 When was the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Act first enacted

22 What is (800 points)

23 Defined countries’ Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ)

24 What is United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) (1000 points)

25 Organization known for its radical marine conservation actions

26 What is Greenpeace (200 points)

27 Well-known agency founded in 1977 that campaigns against the dolphin hunts of Taiji

28 What is the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (400 points)

29 Founded in 1982 by Ric O’Barry as an offshoot of the Earth Island Institute

30 What is the Dolphin Project (600 points)

31 Agency founded in 1972 that has a simple vision of fighting for healthier oceans

32 What is the Ocean Conservancy (800 points)

33 Largest organization in the world solely devoted to marine conservation

34 What is Oceana (1000 points)

35 Term for idea that in the face of uncertainty, management decisions should err on the side of conservation

36 What is the precautionary approach (200 points)

37 The unidirectional increase in fishing rates due to constant economic and social pressure

38 What is the ratchet effect (400 points)

39 The probability of extinction given uncertainty in the future environment

40 What is population risk (600 points)

41 Name of the website with paid volunteer opportunities

42 What is (800 points)

43 Term for the system where the government and small social groups or stakeholders work together

44 What is co-management (1000 points)

45 Acoustic alarms attached to reduce the bycatch of marine mammals

46 What are pingers (200 points)

47 Term for eliminating exploitation of fisheries all together in a region

48 What is a moratorium (400 points)

49 Uses life tables and transition matrices to determine the proportional effects of changes in survival of different life stages to population growth rate

50 What is elasticity analysis (600 points)

51 When one genotype has the ability to produce more than one phenotype

52 What is phenotypic plasticity (800 points)

53 Studies have shown community biomass within marine reserves can increase 2-3X in magnitude in this number of years

54 What is 3-4 years (1000 years)

55 Studies have shown community biomass within marine reserves can increase 2-3X in magnitude in this number of years

56 What is 3-4 years (1000 years)



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