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The delegates at the convention had to negotiate a series of compromises in order to agree on a framework for government Many of these compromises dealt.

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Presentation on theme: "The delegates at the convention had to negotiate a series of compromises in order to agree on a framework for government Many of these compromises dealt."— Presentation transcript:

1 The delegates at the convention had to negotiate a series of compromises in order to agree on a framework for government Many of these compromises dealt with how representatives would be chosen from the states to serve in Congress

2 The large states supported the Virginia Plan which proposed adding a president to lead the nation and a bicameral congress in which larger states have more representatives The small states supported the a New Jersey Plan which called for a unicameral congress in which states are equally represented just like the AOC

3 In the Senate each state has 2 reps who serve 6-year terms
The Great Compromise resolved the differences between the large & small states by creating a bicameral Congress In the Senate each state has 2 reps who serve 6-year terms In the House of Representatives, the number of reps is determined by each state’s population

4 Northern & Southern states could not agree whether or not to count slaves towards population size
If slaves are counted, Southern states would have more votes and power in the House of Representatives The Three-Fifths Compromise allowed states to count three of every five slaves toward taxation and population size

5 Many Northerners wanted to use the Constitutional Convention to end slavery, but Southerners threatened to leave the USA anytime slavery was discussed As a compromise for the South, the slave trade could continue for 20 more years & runaway slaves would be returned to slave masters

6 James Madison negotiated and wrote much of the framework of the new government and is referred to as the “father of the Constitution”

7 The Preamble to the Constitution

8 The Articles of the Constitution
Preamble The Articles of the Constitution Article I The Legislative Branch The Constitution is made up of 7 articles that describe the structure & powers of the national government Article II The Executive Branch Article III The Judicial Branch Article IV Relationship Between the States and the Federal Government Article V Amending the Constitution Article VI Supreme Law of the Land Article VII Ratifying the Constitution 27 Amendments

9 From May to September 1787, the delegates at the Constitutional Convention worked out a framework for a new federal system of government But, this plan for government had to be ratified by 9 states if it was to replace the Articles of Confederation Great chronolony of events in the Constitutional Convention and ratification debate (from

10 Many Americans were concerned about the possibility of tyranny because the Constitution gave more power to the national government over the states

11 The Anti-Federalists were led by Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams
Those who opposed the Constitution, feared a stronger national gov’t , and wanted states to remain power were called Anti-Federalists The Anti-Federalists were led by Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams

12 Patrick Henry, speech in opposition to the Constitution, 1788
“Show me that age and country where the rights and liberties of the people were placed on the sole chance of their rulers being good men, without a consequent loss of liberty?” Patrick Henry, speech in opposition to the Constitution, 1788

13 Those who supported the new Constitution and a stronger national gov’t were called the Federalists
Federalist leaders James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay wrote a series of essays called the Federalist Papers to counter the arguments of the Anti-Federalists

14 “Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government… People must cede some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers.” (Federalist #2) “…the smaller the number of individuals composing a majority, the more easily will they execute their plans of oppression. Extend the sphere, and you take in a greater variety of parties and interests; you make it less probable that a majority of the whole will invade the rights of other citizens.” (Federalist #10) “[If the] federal gov’t is entrusted with the care of the common defense…that gov’t ought to be clothed with all the powers requisite to complete execution of its trust.” (Federalist #23)

15 Some states ratified the Constitution quickly, but states with large majorities of Anti-Federalists refused without a Bill of Rights to protect their liberty In 1789, the Bill of Rights was introduced and the last two states ratified the Constitution by 1790 New Hampshire was the 9th state to ratify the Constitution which went into effect in 1789, but the Federalists wanted all 13 states to ratify the new gov’t

16 The Bill of Rights was approved in 1791

17 Today, the Constitution is the oldest existing written gov’t in the world and is a model for other nations

18 Activity: Create a symbol or cartoon that describes the main idea of each amendment

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