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Reducing the impacts of effective barriers

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1 Reducing the impacts of effective barriers
Gladys Nzita-Mak

2 Background noise In order to reduce the impact of background noises, You can close windows to block out unnecessary sounds like the whistle of the wind, traffic or construction. If background noise isn’t prevented then the audience will lose interest in what you are saying. If there are other background noises such as a baby crying, because this may be a big issue due to the fact that the audience may not be able to hear you, you should advise parents not to bring in any babies. If there is background noise from outside the room them you should have a sign to say that there is a meeting going on to alert others to keep their voices down whilst talking.

3 Distraction Distractions can be reduced if people are notified to turn off their mobile phones (or put it on silent), as this is one of the biggest distractions. Another thing is that there are always some people who walk in late to meetings and this distracts members of an audience and you would be required to repeat yourself, in order to reduce this you can remind the audience to come in early if they know that they might be late, or if you’re giving a long speech, you can have intervals and so you can allow the late comers to come in through the second half. If people are bored and start to fidget, you can reduce boredom by giving an interesting presentation and even including the audience with your presentation or asking questions to keep a good flow going.

4 Lack of concentration When speaking to an audience you may seem to bore some people, even without noticing it, and even if it may be natural for our minds to wander off and daydream you’ve got to make sure that the audience is still interested in what you’re talking about. You can keep your presentations short but making sure that it has enough information for the audience to take in. You can also involve some people in your presentations to keep the audience interested.

5 Wrong style You can avoid using the wrong style in letters and s by avoiding the use of slang. If slang is used in presentations then it could be hard for some people to understand what is being said. Also if you are using slang in presentations you could be influencing the wrong type of language that should be used in the world of business. Using emoticons also isn’t requires when writing letters or s because it shows that you are not being serious or professional. The use of slang and emoticons are just not suitable, as the spokesperson you should learn to say or write things formally.

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