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Giant Clouds and Star Clusters in the Antennae

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2 Giant Clouds and Star Clusters in the Antennae
Wilson et al. 2000, Whitmore et al. 1999

3 Probing the epoch of “galaxy formation” : z = 1.5 – 3.5
Optical gals IR/(sub)mm gals Role of dust? Relationship between different galaxy populations (LBG, red, submm, AGN,…)

4 A Complete Survey of M33 148 GMCs (green) shown on HI map
complete to 1.5x105 Mo mass function is N(m) ~ m-2.6, steeper than seen in Galaxy An interferometric survey of M31 is also underway with IRAM (Guelin et al. 2001, Neininger 2001) Engargiola et al. 2003; HI map Deul & van der Hulst 1987

5 (sub)mm Dust, molecular gas Near-IR: Stars, ionized gas, AGN
Enabling Technology I: sensitivity – Arp 220 vs z (FIR=1.6e12 L_sun) farIR: dust ALMA: resolving, distant, low mass galaxies Hershel: very wide field surveys, ‘SED machine’, dust cm: Star formation, AGN (sub)mm Dust, molecular gas Near-IR: Stars, ionized gas, AGN

6 Spitzer Spectroscopy of ULIRGs (Armus et al 2004)
At lowest end of the sequence, Aromatic Features dominate, just as they do in normal galaxies Spitzer has now detected (Yan et al, in prep) Aromatic Features in at least one source at z~1.9 fν~1.3mJy, R>25.5 mag νLν~ Lsun L(IR)~ to Lsun

7 L_FIR vs L’(CO), L(HCN) Index=1.7 Index=1

8 [CII] deficiency at high-z
See a trend of decreasing [CII]/FIR for warmer and more actively star-forming galaxies. this trend includes ULIRGs and hi-z sources (e.g. Benford, Ph.D. thesis)

9 QSO host galaxies – M_BH – s relation
Most (all?) low z spheroidal galaxies have SMBH M_BH = M_bulge ‘Causal connection between SMBH and spheroidal galaxy formation’ (Gebhardt et al. 2002)? Luminous high z QSOs have massive host galaxies (1e12 M_sun)

10 History of IGM ionized CoIs: Walter, Bertoldi, Cox, Omont, Beelen, Fan, Strauss... Neutral F(HI)=1 Epoch of Reionization (EoR) bench-mark in cosmic structure formation indicating the first luminous structures Ionized F(HI)=1e-5

11 “Pre-ALMA Science” – SDSS1148+52 z=6
“Pre-ALMA Science” – SDSS z=6.42 Dust+CO detection Prodigious dust and molecular gas formation within 0.9Gyr of big bang VLA CO 3-2 GHz MAMBO

12 Outrageous conclusions
Justification Outrageous conclusions Large dust masses (1e8 M_sun) => Dust formation at z>4: massive stars ? Large gas masses (> 1e10 M_sun): X ? SFR > 1e3 M_sun /yr? Coeval starburst/AGN: SMBH – spheroidal gal formation ? Merger-induced galaxy formation ?

13 The dusty and molecular universe: a prelude to ALMA and Herschel
“Pour la Patrie, les Sciences, et la Gloire” (N. Bonaparte)

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