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Using Data & Identifying Gaps for Continuous Improvement

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Presentation on theme: "Using Data & Identifying Gaps for Continuous Improvement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Data & Identifying Gaps for Continuous Improvement
11/22/2018 Using Data & Identifying Gaps for Continuous Improvement Kristin Myers, University of Northern Colorado Paula Gumina, Colorado Department of Education November 5, 2014

2 11/22/2018 2

3 11/22/2018 3

4 Cycle of Data Analyze the Data Define the Problem
11/22/2018 Cycle of Data Analyze the Data Define the Problem Develop the Intervention Implement the intervention Evaluate the Intervention 4

5 Goals College and Career Ready
11/22/2018 Goals College and Career Ready Demonstrate outcomes, monitor impacts, revise and improve programs, policies and practices Using data to identify gaps for continuous improvement Providing grantees with strategies for using data for continuous improvement 5

6 Process & Outcome Measures
11/22/2018 Process & Outcome Measures Process Outcome Concurrent Enrollment Graduation Rate Career & Technical Education * Dropout Rate * FAFSA Completion Postsecondary Matriculation Transitions * MS/HS Transition * Professional Development * Remediation Rates ICAP * Attendance/Behavior * Counselor/Student Ration * Interventions * Applies to middle and high school

7 The Connections CE CTE FAFSA ICAP Counselor/Student Ratio
11/22/2018 The Connections CE CTE FAFSA ICAP Counselor/Student Ratio Attendance/Behavior Professional Development Grad Rate x X Dropout Higher Ed Matriculation Remediation MS/HS Transition 7

8 Data 8

9 2014-2015 SCCGP Reporting College Career Ready 11/22/2018 CDE Data
- Graduation/Matriculation Rate - Grades - Dropout Rate - ACT & TCAP - Credential Attainment - Postsecondary Enrollment - Career - Remedial Needs - Concurrent Enrollment & CTE Participation - FAFSA Completion - 9th Grade matriculation District & School Data - Disaggregated Grad/Matriculation /Dropout - Admissions Applications - Scholarship $$ - Attendance - Counselor/Student Ratio - College Visits - Postsecondary Goal - Parent Engagement - EXPLORE/Plan - ASCA Standards Adoption - ICAP Development/Implementation College Career Ready ‹#›

10 ASCA Implementation Standards
11/22/2018 ASCA Implementation Standards The use of data in school counseling programs are noted in accountability, and program management. “Use of data to measure the results of the overall program as well as to promote systemic change within the school system so every student graduates college and career ready.” (ASCA, 2013) For more ASCA specific information on data: Making DATA Work (3rd edition) 10

11 Working with Data Sources
11/22/2018 Working with Data Sources 11

12 Dropout Analysis Display
11/22/2018 Dropout Analysis Display What does the DODAD tell us? What stands out about your school?

13 Working in Your Team What are your Interventions?
11/22/2018 Working in Your Team What are your Interventions? List your interventions on the Mapping Matrix What Data Report will give you the metrics you need to mark progress on your SMART Goals? Reference the PWR Data Sources handout Reference that report and ask yourself those hard questions? What are the Gaps? List the gaps on the Mapping Matrix List an activity you are doing to address that gap through one of your interventions.

14 Idea Sharing 14

15 You are Already a Step Ahead!
Analyzed data to identify gaps/focus areas Developed smart goals based on the data Developed interventions based on goals 15

16 Cycle of Data Analyze the Data Define the Problem
11/22/2018 Cycle of Data Analyze the Data Define the Problem Develop the Intervention Implement the intervention Evaluate the Intervention 16

17 11/22/2018 School Scenario Year one is complete, fall semester is half over, now what? Enter SCCGP Fall Training Review and revisit data: Monitoring Impacts Welcome to Hypothetical High School 55% of our students completed FAFSAs last year (an improvement from 48% the previous year) Identify needs based on the data Developed SMART goals based on the data Develop interventions that fit with the data 17

18 11/22/2018 Digging Deeper in Data What are the demographics of students and families who completed FAFSA in the last year? What are the demographics of the students and families NOT completing FAFSA? Identify additional gaps Does our intervention address the gaps? Is it possible to strengthen our interventions? 18

19 Going Beyond Interventions
Demonstrate outcomes from interventions You have an increase in FAFSA completion. Monitoring Impacts of interventions Do you think the increase is because of your intervention? Revising and improving programming Who are we still not reaching? Continuous improvement How can we strengthen our intervention? Evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions Are you reaching additional populations by adding a Financial Aid night? 19

20 Revisiting Goals and Interventions
11/22/2018 Revisiting Goals and Interventions Hypothetical High had 55% of students with completed FAFSA What about the other 65%? Was the increase last year directly after the financial aid night? Who attended the financial aid night? Who did not attend? What additional stakeholders could be involved? Is adding an additional Financial Aid night enough? 20

21 Choosing Data-Driven Interventions
Effective interventions target the right population Make sure the intervention the right intervention for the intended population Deliver your intervention effectively Enhance interventions by revisiting data and addressing gaps 21

22 Celebrating Success 22

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