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Creating a positive Kiwanis image

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a positive Kiwanis image"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a positive Kiwanis image

2 Education chairwoman, Southwest District
Windy Mortensen Education chairwoman, Southwest District

3 What was your first Kiwanis experience?
Do you remember? What was your first Kiwanis experience? Who do you remember? How did it make you feel? What stood out to you?


5 The basics Every experience has an effect on you.
Positive experiences add to your bucket. Negative experiences drain your bucket.



8 What fills your bucket?

9 Good day

10 Bad day


12 Think of very positive and very negative customer service experiences that you’ve had…
Tom Rath investigated the impact a single employee can have on customers by studying 4,583 customer service calls. They discovered three Customer Service Representatives that scared off every single customer they spoke with and those customers did not return. The company would have been better off paying them to stay home.

13 We are ALL customer service representatives of Kiwanis
Tom Rath investigated the impact a single employee can have on customers by studying 4,583 customer service calls. They discovered three Customer Service Representatives that scared off every single customer they spoke with and those customers did not return. The company would have been better off paying them to stay home. 13

14 So how do we create change?

15 What they had in common Hated each other for being negative
Passionate for Kiwanis Maintained very low buckets With no plan to help fill them

16 Help fill their buckets

17 1-800-Kiwanis, ext. 411 Member number: 023 286 52
How is my attitude? 1-800-Kiwanis, ext. 411 Member number:

18 What is Kiwanis to you? Why is Kiwanis important to you?
Speak from the heart. Practice, practice, practice! Often, we only get one chance.

19 Everywhere you go, everything you do, leaves an impression
Everywhere you go, everything you do, leaves an impression. What will yours be?

20 Please… Fill out Tear out Turn in
Session evaluation Please… Fill out Tear out Turn in

21 Thank you! Remember that what you do everyday speaks to the world what Kiwanis is!

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