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Cooperative Interactive Learning

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1 Cooperative Interactive Learning
KA 219 Cooperative Interactive Learning VIRTUAL MEETING Nr. 1 MS EXCEL Hello everybody, welcome to our first virtual meeting. We have a lot to do today. "The European Commission support for the production of this presentation does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

2 Program How to create a simple Excel chart
Advantages/Disadvantages of accommodation types – chat on Facebook Completing a shared document – via gmail

3 We use Excel if we need to:
create a chart make calculations create graphs or histograms MS Excel is a software created by Microsoft You may already know, that we use Excel if we need to create a chart, make calculations, create graphs. It is a very frequently used software created by Microsoft.

4 Basic terms Formula bar Column F Cell Row 7 Sheets
Let me explain you some basic terms, we are going to use today. As you can see Excel is a workbook with sheets. Each sheet has more than million rows and more then 11 thousand columns. So it is very-very large. It is very similar to Word, but here we have so called cells – boxes with their cell address - coordinates, what you can see here A1. Than there is the formula bar, where you can see what is written in the cell. Row 7 Sheets

5 Create a chart together 
Number of guests Months Rooms Slovakia Romania Italy Total January Single room 1 4 2 7 Double room 3 Apartments 5 11 February 8 20 March 10 9 23 29 75 Now, we are going to create this chart together. In this chart we will compare the number of hotel guests in January, February and March, according to the country where they came from, and the type of rooms. By creating this chart you are going to learn the basics how to work with excel. The data are not real, they are fictional. It is very important to keep up with me, I´m going to do it very slowly. Just do the same as I do. So go to your computers, please and open the Excel. Open a blank workbook.

6 Write the headline Click on the cell A1 and write: Number of guests
Click on the cell A2 and write: Months Click on the cell B2 and write: Slovakia Click on the cell C2 and write: Romania Click on the cell D2 and write: Italy Now you have an empty sheet. Click on the cell A1 and write the headline of our chart, which is: Number of guests. Now click on the cell A2, You can also move with the arrows on the keyboard, and write Months, Well done.

7 Write the months using the cursor
Click on the cell A3 and write: January Move the cursor to the right bottom corner The cursor will change to one small plus sign Hold the left click of your mouse and drag it down Stop at the wanted month Ok, now click on the cell A3, and write January. Excel is a very clever program, with a lot of useful functions. You don´t have to type all the months, the is an easier way. Click on the cell A3 and move the cursor to the right bottom corner. As you can see, the cursor will change to a small plus sign. Just hold it with the left click of the mouse and drag down. You can see the months in that silver box, so stop dragging at March. You can add as many months as you want, but today we need only three months.

8 Add some extra rows Move the cursor to the number of the row Nr.4
The cursor will change to a shape of an arrow Click with the right click Insert one more row under January Repeat and insert one more row under January If you notice that you need some extra rows, it is not problem. Just move the cursor to the number of the row – Nr. 4. As you can see the cursor changes to a shape of an arrow. Click the right click on the mouse and insert a new row under January. Now add one more row, so we will have to empty rows between January and February. You will see later, why we did it.

9 Add some extra rows Add two extra rows under February
Now do the same, and add two new rows under February. Move the cursor to Nr. 7, right click and insert. And one more time.

10 Add an extra column between the columns B and C (Months and Slovakia)
Move the cursor to the column B The cursor will change to a shape of an arrow Click with the right click of the mouse Insert one column between the columns B and C You can add also columns. Just move to cursor to the column B, right click of the mouse and insert a column. As you can see, we have one more column between Months and Slovakia.

11 Add „Rooms“ to B2 Write „Rooms“ to B2 cell
Now we will fill in some information. Click on the cell B2 and write: Rooms.

12 Add some more text Click on the cell B3 and write: Single room
Click on the cell B4 and write: Double room Click on the cell B5 and write: Apartments In an average hotel we can find three type of rooms, single, double and apartments. So just click on the cell B3 and write Single room, click on B4 and write double room, and finaly click on B5 and write Apartments. You can move with the arrows on the keyboard or click on the cell.

13 Copy the text Highlight the cells B3 – B5
Move the cursor to the right bottom corner The cursor will change to a shape of a small plus sign Hold the cursor and drag it down to copy We need these type of rooms also in February and in March, but we don´t have to type it again, we can easily copy it in the same way as we did earlier. Jus highlight the cells B3 – B5, move the cursor to the right bottom corner. The cursor changes into a small plus sign, hold the right click on the mouse and drag it down. Stop at Apartments in March.

14 Strech the column As you could see on the previous slide, the column B is not wide enough Move the cursor between the column B and C The cursor will change to a shape of a cross arrow (move) – it indicates that this data is ready to be moved Click twice and the column will get as wide as need As you can see, the column B is not wide enough. Just move the cursor between the column B and C. The cursor will change to a cross arrow, so you can move with it. Just double click and the column will automatically get the right size.

15 Fusing cells Highlight the cells you want to fuse (A3 – A5)
Click on the „Merge and center“ icon Repeate with the cells A6 – A8 Repeate with the cells A9 – A11 To make the chart clearer, we need to make some cosmetic improvements. Highlight the cells A3 –A5 and click on the Icon Merge &Centre. As you can see, from three cell now is only one. Now repeat this step with the cells A6-A8 (February) and with the cells A9-A11 (March) Excel 2003 : right click on the cell, Format cells, Alignment, tick merge & centre

16 Writing data Fill in the cells the number of guests according to the month, type of the room and the country where the tourists come from. Now just fill in some numbers. Fill in any numbers, anyithing you want, you don´t have to write the same numbers as I do. These numbers are fictional. We just guess how many tourist visited us in January, February and March from Slovakia, Romania and Italy.

17 Auto Sum - columns Write to the cells F3 and A12: Total
Highlight the cells where are the numbers Click on the icon: Auto Sum The sums will be in the row Nr. 12 Ok, fill in some more information needed. Click on the cell A12, and Write Total, than click on the cell F3 and write also Total. Now we need to count how many tourist came from Slovakia, how many from Romania and Italy. What we need to do, is to highlight all the numbers. Now click on the icon Auto Sum, and excel automatically counts the numbers in each column. The sums are in the row Nr. 12. Simple.

18 Auto Sum - rows Highlight the cells C3 – E3
Click on the icon: Auto Sum The sum will be in the cell F3 Click on the cell F3 Move the cursor to the right bottom, hold the cursor and drag it down till the cell F12 . Now, we want to count the number of guests in each type of rooms. So highlight the cells C3 – E3 and click on the Auto Sum icon. The sum will be in the cell F3.

19 Auto Sum- rows Click on the cell F3
Move the cursor to the right bottom, hold the cursor and drag it down till the cell F12 It will automatically copy The sums will be in the cells F3 – F12 Now we will copy again, so click on the cell F3, move the cursor to the right bottom corner and drag down. The excel automatically calibrates the formulas in each row as you can see in the formula bar. In the cell you can see the sum – a number, but in the formula bar a formula showing, that excel counted the data in the selected cells.

20 Colours, centering, borders
Highlight the cells A1 to F1 Click on „Merge & centre“ icon Now we have every information in our chart, I just want to make it clearer. Now I´m going to show you how to change colours, how to centre and add borders. These are the final steps to finish our chart. Start with the headline. Highlight the cell A1 to F1. And click on the icon „Merge & centre“ Now we have the headline in the centre of our chart.

21 Colours, centering, borders
Click on the colours and change the colour of the cell to yellow Stay on the centred cell and click on the „B“ – bold icon to make the headline more visible Now to change the colour of this cell, just click on the small arrow near the colours icon and choose the yellow colour. To make the headline more visible just make it bold with the B icon.

22 Colours, centering, borders
Highlight the cells A2 – A11 Center the text Change the colour to green Highlight the text with the B icon Ok, now we are going to continue with colouring. Highlight the cells A2 – A11, centre the text with the centre icon, change the colour to green and make the text Bold.

23 Colours, centering, borders
Highlight the cells B2 – F2 Center the text Change the colour to green Highlight the text with the B icon Do the same with the cells B2 – F2: centre the text, change the colour to green and make the text bold.

24 Colours, centering, borders
Highlight the cells B3 – B11 Change the colour to blue Now highlight the cells B3 – B11 and change the colour to blue. It´s more and more beautiful, isn´t it.

25 Colours, centering, borders
Click on the cell A12 Hold „CTRL“ and highlight the cells A12 – F12 AND F3 – F11 Change the colour to red Highlight the text with the B icon We are almost ready. Now we are going to highlight the Total row and Columns at the same time. So Click on the cell A12. Hold CONTROL key on the keyboard, just hold it with your left hand and at the same time highlight the cells A12-F12 AND F3-F11. Now change the colour to red and make the text Bold.

26 Colours, centering, borders
Highlight the cells with numbers numbers are Center the text Now highlight all the numbers in our chart and centre the text.

27 Colours, centering, borders
Highlight the whole chart Click the arrow near Borders and choose „All borders“ Click the arrow near Borders again and select „Thick Box Border“ The last step is to add borders. Now we are going to highlight the whole chart. Click on the cell A1 and drag until the cell F12. Now click on the small arrow near the Borders icon and choose All borders. Click on the arrow again and choose Thick Box Border. Now our chart is ready. It´s perfect, isn´t it? Don´t forget to save your chart on your computer. You can name it Cooperative Interactive Learning.

28 The final Chart  Number of guests Months Rooms Slovakia Romania Italy
Total January Single room 1 4 2 7 Double room 3 Apartments 5 11 February 8 20 March 10 9 23 29 75 I hope you enjoyed our first virtual lesson, please don´t forget to save your chart! Thank you for your attention! Are you satisfied with your chart? Does it look like mine?

29 Thank you for your attention 
DON´T FORGET TO SAVE YOUR CHART! Ok, our first task is finished. Now we are going to talk about types of accomodation. In general we can talk about 5 types of accomodation: Hotels, Guest houses/Pensions, Apartmans, Camps or Dormitories. But what´s the difference? Prezentácia Ok, I´ve talked a lot, it´s your turn now. Your task is to discuss in groups the advantages and disadvantages of each type of accomodation. So we need to creat a group chat on Facebook. Each group has three members – one from Slovakia, one from Italy and one from Romania. Group Nr. One will chat about the hotels in general, the second group will discuss about Guest houses/Pensions, the next group is going to chat about Apartments, the next group about Camps and the last group about dormitories. So we have five groups with three memebers.

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