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Do Now (10 minutes) 10/18 ESPN: Political – Government pg

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now (10 minutes) 10/18 ESPN: Political – Government pg"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now (10 minutes) 10/18 ESPN: Political – Government pg. 27 - 28
Use handout from Monday to answer the questions for Wednesday & Thursday. Is your week sheet out? Did you complete your table of contents?

2 3-2-1 Analysis Complete the sentence stems on PAGE 27 of you notebook.
3 things in the visual that I notice are… 2 questions I have about the visual are… 1 conclusion that I can draw based on what I see is… The image you have analyzed shows the toppling of a statue of the former leader of Iraq—a country located in the Middle East—Saddam Hussein. A dictator, or all powerful ruler, Saddam Hussein controlled every aspect of the Iraqi government as well as the lives of its people from 1979 to 2003.

3 Turn and Talk – 3 min What is the role of government and how should government serve its people? In other words, what is the purpose of government and what should it provide for its people?

4 Objectives – 3 min 6.11A Identify and describe examples of limited and unlimited governments such as constitutional (limited) and totalitarian (unlimited); 6.11B Compare the characteristics of limited and unlimited governments. 6.11C Identify reasons for limiting the power of government 6.12A Identify and give examples of governments with rule by one, few, or many 6.21B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions;

5 inquiry Critical Thinking
Which types of political systems/governments can be categorized as rule by one, rule by a few, or rule by many? Statement of Inquiry Political [government] systems allow people to live and work together by establishing rules and laws. Approach to Learning Critical Thinking

6 New Learning – 10 min Pre-Reading and Generating Questions
Read introduction Generate questions In order to understand how governments work in different parts of the world, we must first know how to properly identify and define them. In today’s reading activity, we will learn about the different types of governments that exists around the world and their characteristics. Before we begin reading, we are going to complete a pre-reading activity. Have students read the section titles from the reading and scan the text and images. The first thing we will look at is an explanation of the terms limited and unlimited government. I will read the first paragraph of the document aloud. As I read aloud, I will stop to voice my thinking about the text. Read the first paragraph SLOWLY, stopping frequently to talk about what you are visualizing, predicting, questioning, comparing or determining cause and effect. Possible Think Aloud statements/questions: The first term, unlimited government, makes me think about what we discussed earlier in the lesson—the Iraqi government under Saddam Hussein. The definition of a limited government makes me think of the United States. Does this mean that the United States has a limited government?


8 Partner work – 20 min Read the text to answer our questions. You are EXPECTED and REQUIRED to annotate as you read!

9 Checkpoint – Turn & Talk
What is a limited government? What is unlimited government?

10 Checkpoint – Turn & Talk
Which types of governments are categorized as: rule by one? rule by few? rule by many? Which governments are: limited? unlimited?

11 Guided Practice – 10 minutes
Identify that government! With a partner, read the description for each country and identify the type or types of government.

12 Checkpoint – Turn & Talk
What are the characteristics of a dictatorship? What are the characteristics of a democracy? What is the difference between a direct democracy and representative democracy? Under which category does the United States belong?

13 Independent Practice – 20 min
CREATE A FICTIONAL GOVERNMENT. Name of your fictional government 3 political characteristics of your government ex – how many people are in power, who has the power, daily life for citizens and more… Your scenario should NOT name the type of your fictional government Write neatly!

14 Example The country Gotham has an oligarchy. The Joker, The Riddler, Catwoman and The Peguin have all of the power. They only allow other Villains in Gotham to vote and create new laws. Life for the citizens of Gotham is horrible because they do not get to participate in their government. The Villains make them pay high taxes and keep the money for themselves. They must do what the Villains say or they will be jailed or killed.

15 Scenario – Sentence Stems
There is a country called… The leaders are… Life for the citizens is… because… Citizens also…

16 Ready To Go? You are NOT ready to go until your workspace looks like this Exception: Have your PLICKER card in your hand!

17 Exit Ticket In Nazi Germany, absolute power was given to Adolf Hitler. The citizens of Germany did not get to choose their leaders, and they could not openly criticize the government. What kind of government did Germany have during this time? Limited Unlimited Democratic Capitalist

18 Exit Ticket Which of the following is a characteristic of limited government? Citizens have power to choose their leaders. All power is held by one leader Citizens can be arrested without any reason. Citizens who disagree with the government are punished.

19 Exit Ticket During the Cultural Revolution in China, Chairman Mao and the Communist Part ruled China. Anyone who spoke badly about Chairman Mao was punished without a trial. Citizens were not allowed to vote for their leaders. Citizens were told where to live and what job they would have. Which of the following types of government best describes China during this time? Limited Unlimited Democratic Capitalist

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