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Presentation on theme: "WORKSHOP 17th Sept 2008 EUROPEAN COMMISSION"— Presentation transcript:

1 GUIDANCE ON NEEI AND NATURA 2000 ___________________________________________________________________

2 NEEI AND NATURA GUIDELINES _____________________________________________________________________________________ Guidance document Objective Provide strategic and project level guidance on correct implementation of provisions under Article 6.3 of the Habitats Directive.

3 NEEI AND NATURA GUIDELINES _____________________________________________________________________________________ WORK PROGRESS Working group set up, 2 meetings Second draft sent to working group – 1st August Comments received until 4th September Revised Second draft sent to WG – 11th September Inputs received from WG (docs., case studies, etc.) WORKSHOP – 17th September

4 NEEI AND NATURA GUIDELINES _____________________________________________________________________________________ NEXT ACTIVITIES On the basis of workshop results and comments received  3rd draft sent to WG & MS – 17th October 4th draft – 20th November Meeting WG – 27th or 28th November

5 NEEI AND NATURA GUIDELINES _____________________________________________________________________________________ Workshop objectives Discuss about key issues identified: Mineral planning Appropriate assessment & project develop. NEE activities in marine areas Cooperation with stakeholders Discuss about the guidance document content, structure, etc.

6 NEEI AND NATURA GUIDELINES _____________________________________________________________________________________ Mineral planning Key issues: How best to consider the conservation of biodiversity and Natura 2000 in mineral planning systems (coherence, connectivity, cumulative impacts… ). Identification and solution of potential conflicts (location of sensitivity…) The level at which strategic mineral planning may be more effective in considering Natura 2000 issues Appropriate assessment of strategic mineral planning (SEA, AA) Opportunities for contributing to biodiversity conservation in strategic planning for minerals. - Roles and responsibilities of relevant stakeholders.

7 NEEI AND NATURA GUIDELINES _____________________________________________________________________________________ Mineral planning Questions: - Should we provide more guidance on Appropriate Assessment of mineral planning? Should we develop further: methods, difficulties, constraints for mineral planning? - Examples from other countries?

8 Appropriate assessment &
NEEI AND NATURA GUIDELINES _____________________________________________________________________________________ Appropriate assessment & Project development Key issues: How to carry out the AA. Identification and design of appropriate mitigation measures. Difficulties and constraints. Alternative solutions in the mining context. Compensatory measures under article 6.4 of the Habitats Directive. Rehabilitation and restoration in the context of Natura 2000.

9 Appropriate assessment
NEEI AND NATURA GUIDELINES _____________________________________________________________________________________ Appropriate assessment & Project development Questions: Develop further on specific impacts and mitigation measures of NEEI projects? What are alternative solutions in the mining context? How to provide examples of compensatory measures in NEEI activities that can match the provisions of art. 6.4? - Rehabilitation (restoration) – link to art. 6.3/6.4?

10 NEE activities in marine areas
NEEI AND NATURA GUIDELINES _____________________________________________________________________________________ NEE activities in marine areas Key issues Strategic planning, interactions with N2000 Impacts (results from recent research) Appropriate Assessment Knowledge and information about habitats and habitats and important areas for species of community interest Mitigation (difficulties, constraints…)

11 NEE activities in marine areas
NEEI AND NATURA GUIDELINES _____________________________________________________________________________________ NEE activities in marine areas What are the main difficulties for AA? Are there any relevant existing guidelines? More information about good practice? Should we also cover extractive activities in freshwater areas? Are there any other key issues?

12 Stakeholders involvement
NEEI AND NATURA GUIDELINES _____________________________________________________________________________________ Stakeholders involvement & cooperation Key issues: Identification & engagement of relevant stakeholders in mineral planning, AA, mitigation, rehabilitation… Improving dialogue & cooperation with competent authorities, environmental agencies, scientific experts, NGOs…

13 Stakeholders involvement
NEEI AND NATURA GUIDELINES _____________________________________________________________________________________ Stakeholders involvement & cooperation Questions: Should we present speecific cases on Appropriate Assessment, design of mitigation measures, rehabilitation? Should we describe in more detail the roles and responsibilities of the different stakeholders in the different stages?

CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE CONTEXT 3. POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF NEEI - Special aspects of Ext. Act. - General overview of impacts 4. STRATEGIC MINERAL PLANNING - Considering Natura 2000, Strat. Assessment 5. APPROPRIATE ASSESSMENT (Art. 6.3/6.4) - Stages, scope, focus, appraisal of impacts - Mitigation measures - Alternative solutions - Compensatory measures 6. MONITORING & INDICATORS 7. REHABILITATION AND AFTER-CARE 8. EXTRACTIVE ACTIV. IN MARINE AREAS 9. COOPERATION WITH STAKEHOLDERS

15 NEEI AND NATURA GUIDELINES _____________________________________________________________________________________ Questions (1) Contents & structure of the document Extent of the Document (main text + Annexes) Explain in more detail the processes involved in the exploration, development, operation and closure of NEEI sites? How to present the main impacts of NEE activities: details, separate chapter or under AA? Should we try to cover also other more specific impacts (e.g. peat extraction?)

16 How should we present case studies? …..
NEEI AND NATURA GUIDELINES _____________________________________________________________________________________ Questions (2) Contents & structure of the document Provide only references to other existing guidelines or include the most relevant recommendations in our guidance document? How should we present case studies? …..

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