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ATT Connect Call – March 10, 2011
Welcome to the Unity Identity Project Welcome, to this call and to our Unity Identity Project: So what is branding? Our Unity Identity Project is about creating a unified identity—an open doorway—to clearly represent who we are so that people can recognize and connect with our movement. We are striving to communicate in a way that is empathetic for those searching for Unity. Our perspective is to welcoming people and help them understand who we are. Introduce ourselves. Our team is working to create a foundation, supported by resources, in order to build a sense of community with your fellow peers embracing branding. Today we will be sharing information and giving an overview of how our program is structured. There will be a follow-up with notes of this call so there’s no need to write this down. This call will contain a lot of information to help you get up to speed so we will be doing a large percentage of the talking. Please note that this is also your forum for bringing questions, comment, suggestions now and in the future. We are doing this together, each of you are the experts and want to provide a forum for you all to connect and share.
Agenda Welcome and Prayer Information about ATT Connect
Update on Branding Activities Being a Part of a Test group Launching Your New Identity Print and Web Vendor Info Tracking Statistics and Feedback Resources Next Steps
Welcome and Prayer “I now hold in my mind a new image of our ministry as a flourishing and gloriously beautiful community.” Opening Prayer: Affirmation, for self and community “I now hold in my mind a new image of our ministry as a flourishing and gloriously beautiful community.”
ATT Connect Protocol Raising your hand Other icons available
Passing microphone Notes section Let’s begin by sharing a little about this ATT Connect platform. This program allows us to see visuals: including websites, PowerPoint presentations, videos, etc. It allows us to see who is on the call as well as provide a way for us to easily submit questions. If you use the “notes” button at the top of the page you can submit questions while we are presenting. If you want your question to go to everyone on the call, select “all” in the notes box (on the right hand side of your screen). At some point we may ask you to raise your hand, this is done by clicking on the top right hand icon. To take your hand down simply click again on the icon. There are other icons available as well. We also have the ability to pass the microphone to anyone on the call.
Update on Branding Activities
Service Organization formed Unity World Headquarters at Unity Village and Unity Worldwide Ministries are working together You are third test group – We’re excited to be working with you 25 ministries (2 Canada) 1 association (Unity Canada) 1 region (Eastern) Update on branding activities An umbrella service organization has been formed to be the governing body of the Unity Identity Project (or branding). Unity World Headquarters at Unity Village and UWM are working together to roll out the new brand, Paula Coppel is with us as a collaborative presence. You are the third test group of 27 communities, 25 ministries (2 in Canada), 1 association (Unity Canada) and 1 region (Eastern) (we will send a list of the participants in our follow-up after the call). You are joining 47 other ministries, part of them launched in Sept of 2010 and the rest in January 2011. You are very important to our branding process, as we will continue to make refinements based on your feedback. You are among the first! You are on the leading edge of the initiative to grow our movement and we are very excited to be working with you.
Being a Part of a Test group
We will keep you informed on the status of developments through: s monthly calls new invite from “UnityThree” listen to needs (phone, and through surveys) responsive to questions and needs Created a web page to have all content for you at What does it mean to be part of the test group? Our responsibilities to you: We will keep you informed on the status of developments, through: s, Monthly ATT Connect conference calls such as this one, note a new invite will come from “Unity3” each month you cannot reuse an old link, listen needs (phone, and through surveys), responsive to questions and needs (Debbie, Michelle) Created web page to have all content for group at, will share address with you after call.
Being a Part of a Test group
Participate on the calls Having issues? Debbie Allen or Printing needs: or Read and use your Participant Toolkit Feedback sheets due on the 25th for the month Logo consistency is important, pg. 30 Deb Your responsibilities as a participant -Participate on the calls and/or have your branding leader present -If you’re having issues, be sure to call and let us know. Debbie is your contact person and you can reach her at , also for the print site there is a helpdesk at MiPrintShop. -Please read your Participant Toolkit. Constantly consult your toolkit and branding manual for guidance on how use your logo and work with the aspects of branding. Included with the toolkit is your: DVD of Chuck Pettis’ presentation at Convention, forms and logos on a CD. Jpg for on-screen only for PowerPoint Sunday service there is also a square jpg for your Facebook icon, and website and (on-screen) use. Eps for print pieces, png for your web or limited printing. This information is found on page of your toolkit. Feedback sheets p This is really important for us to track our success. We need to be turned in by the 25th of each month to Debbie. Honest feedback is most helpful. This information is being held confidential and will be shared in overall general terms. This will serve our movement. -This brand has been tested that is the reason it needs to be the same as the manual, ensuring that the color of the logo matches the color pallet in the manual pg. 30. Consistency is important.
Resolving Questions Finding solutions through collaboration
Private Facebook group page for you to share with peers, to request access go to Call Debbie Allen Kris How we will resolve questions that arise: Finding solutions through collaboration. Service Organization represents something larger that just Unity Worldwide Ministries, we’re a whole system, unified, and working within agreed upon guidelines. Through discussions with branding consultant, Unity World Headquarters at Unity Village, Unity Worldwide Ministries and working with ministry leaders, we will find solutions. Sally For day-to-day issues, or sharing successes we’ve created a private community on Facebook page for you to share with all of us in this process. (Sally) Posts will only be visible by those invited to the group. This option may be for those who are more technically advanced, community on Facebook for those who are on Facebook. For others pick up the phone and call Debbie or visit our page and post a comment.
Launching Your New Identity
Resources in your Participant Toolkit Monthly calls Brand Identity Map, visit Facebook page for peer support Print and Web Vendors Home office support Kris - Launching your new identity within your community We’ve created some helpful resources for you in your Participant Toolkit, as you use these documents make notes on what works and make suggestions on what could be included/improved. We will incorporate your suggestions in the next version of our toolkit. Share what you find so we can include your feedback. Monthly Calls Brand Identity Map - Use the language found on our page or p of your toolkit. Language use is one of the most important things. Repetition is important; repetition builds recognition. If we’re tiring of it we’re on the right track. Compassion for those who haven’t found Unity yet, use the language that people can hear us. If we’ve said it 10 times, the person you’re communicating with has probably only heard it once. Chuck shared, “The most important thing perhaps is the use of the brand identity map…use of the right words and messages will produce the biggest results in the next year. That is what the CSL ministers reported. The use of the messaging increased attendance of their congregation. So I would encourage ministers who are joining the Unity branding program to put top priority on the use of the brand identity messages and emotional hot buttons in their services.” Copies of the map can be found at “Brand Identity Map” Example of use of language is Howard Caesar’s video on his website web site address, Facebook page for peer support Print and Web Vendors Home office support as issues arise
Print Vendor - MiPrintShop
Logo Packages 1 and 2 have access to site Dave Wyssmann, MiPrintShop visit site Products on the site. We encourage you to submit ideas for items needed. Deb Update on what’s happening with the print vendor -Logo package 1 and 2 give you access to the site -Dave Wyssman and the staff at MiPrintShop have been a valuable resource in the process of establishing resources and solutions as we’ve stepped into branding. We surveyed our ministries who have worked with him and he received good to excellent ratings on: print quality, price, help desk response time, time of shipping and condition of products once they arrive. -Visit the site refining the site, if you have ideas of what is working or could work better, ideas and products send information to -Part of our pricing is that they are treating us as 1 customer which allows us all to benefit from volume discounts. -Here you have access to print products and novelty items as well as resources (PowerPoint template, photo image library called a “light box”, digital file for outside signage on CD) -Currently we have 32 items, along with a free PowerPoint template, and image information on the site with more coming as time identifies additional needs. Some of you have probably received items that you’ve ordered. -Photo considerations: Photos showing unity and coming together, abundant and meaningful living, spiritual social action. Images with a human representation (all or part) in the photo with various ethnic backgrounds and ages. If you have photos like this and would like to share them with us send photos to Considerations: model releases (available from UWM would have full rights to use the photo, if you didn’t take the photo, please share your source.
Web Vendor - Update Did extensive background research on Unity websites Surveyed the first group of ministries on needs Incorporating the information and sent to bidders Visit example for visual idea Vision/idea of the site is: Hosting vendor, easily updated by ministry staff Easily updated Automatically generated and populated content include: Daily Word message, link to Unity On-Line Radio, feature articles from, etc. Projected completion Use of logo on website during development of the web service provider Kris Update on what’s happening in selecting a web service bureau vendor -Our web team did extensive background research on Unity websites, approximately 60 different sites. -We surveyed the first group of ministries on: what their current site has, how much currently their spending on website, hosting cost, functionality, what they would like to incorporate, etc. -We have incorporated the information from the research and survey and vendors are preparing bids for the project. -The layout, look and basic functioning will be similar to: (visit: -The idea of the site is that the content updates can be easily made by a staff member or contracting with someone to do that. It will be created in Drupal which is a CMS platform that is easy to work in. If you can work in Word, you could make updates. From the survey there was a 100% request for content that is automatically generated and populated on the ministry’s page. These areas include: Daily Word message, link to Unity On-Line Radio, feature articles from, etc. -Projected completion is subject to funding available, exact date unknown but we would love for this to be available by mid 2011. -You can use your logo on your current website during development of the web service provider, copy of the logo is on the disk in both jpg and png for your web use.
Tracking Statistics Need your help in tracking the results for our movement Pages 51 and 53 Individual results won’t be shared, only collective figures Deb We’re asking for you support in helping tracking the effect of branding for the movement. Individual results will not be shared with anyone outside our staff. We will only share collective figures, so rest assured that you ministries information will be held confidential. Please send Debbie your tracking sheets (found on page in the Toolkit or on your CD with your logos) by the 25th of each month for the previous month.
Resources Participant Toolkit Monthly calls
Resource Library Facebook page for peer support Print and Web Vendors Home office support We have developed many resources for you which include: Participant Toolkit (as mentioned) Monthly calls Resource Library this is a hidden page developed to be a central location for you to go to for the items that are related to branding. Facebook page for peer support- discussion and support from group members is available on Facebook page for branding Print and Web Vendors Home office support
Requested Feedback We’re doing some research and request your help:
Would you mail us a copy of your love offering envelope? Please include pricing and quantity for what you’re currently using Would you also share with us how much you are spending on creating a welcome packet? Please mail to Debbie Allen, P.O. Box 610, Lee’s Summit, MO 64063 Thank you!
Next Steps Join Facebook group, go to
Questions: Contact Debbie Allen at or call Next call April 14 at 3:00 CT, a new invitation will come from “Unity Three” Step forward knowing this will take time Kris Join Facebook Contact Debbie if you have questions. Our next ATT Connect Call meeting, will be January 13 3:00 CT. We will send out an invitation for the call from “Unity 3”. This is Branding is a process, not a landmark. Chuck Pettis shared with us “I see the Unity evolving over time and growing. We don't get to be adults instantly - we have to be a child first! Things take time and that is good. Patience is a virtue.” Close with prayer.
Close in Prayer Any additional questions and comments?
Do those who have been in the branding process since September have anything they want to share with the group? Close with Prayer
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