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File Naming Technique.

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Presentation on theme: "File Naming Technique."— Presentation transcript:

1 File Naming Technique

2 Unique File Names Provide a file name that will give you an idea about the contents of the file Example: feedback_button.gif NOT: button3.gif File name should make sense to others Example: class-pet.gif NOT: roo-roo.gif

3 Use Lowercase Letters Use all lowercase letters
Do not use mixture of capitals or ALL CAPS Example: class_picture.gif NOT: Class_Picture.gif

4 No Spaces in File Name Use a hyphen (-) or underline (_) in place of spaces Example: my-dog.gif Example: my_dog.gif NOT: my dog.gif

5 Use Letters and Numbers Only
Use only letters and numbers, no special characters Some special characters are not recognized by web browsers Example: my2friends.gif NOT: me&friends.gif

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