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How wise was the journey towards peace ?

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1 How wise was the journey towards peace 1918-19?
Section 4 How can we develop more harmonious local, national and global relationships?

2 Prevent: Building Resilience using knowledge and analysis of the events of the armistice signing and the Treaty of Versailles What decisions during the creation of the Treaty of Versailles could be seen as controversial? Why? From your knowledge, explain what went wrong with international relations in later years partly as a result of these decisions? What would have been safer choices for the peacemakers to have made: Based on rejected ideas from the time Based on your own ideas What advice might you have given President Clemenceau and David Lloyd George on how to resist popular pressures from their citizens to treat the Germans so harshly? Clue: Think about how you might resist peer pressure in your own life and try to apply these ideas to political leadership Discuss with your teacher some world problems today where mutual respect and understanding between different groups of people might be needed in order to find a solution. Decide on some strategies to harness this respect and understanding and write a letter of advice to a world leader outlining these strategies.

3 Prevent: Actively Supporting Harmony
using knowledge and analysis of the events of the armistice signing and the Treaty of Versailles Write a PowerPoint presentation on how to apply your thinking to a political or social issue in your school or local community. You could develop one slide for each of the sub-headings below: Identify the issue in your school or local community. Use reasoned argument, building on your knowledge of what went wrong in Compiegne and Versailles to argue to more harmonious solutions to local problems Devise a strategy which is fair, understanding and tolerant of all views, but which potentially resolves the situation Give specific advice on how to overcome strong or popular views which you know to be unwise Ensure long-term strategies are in place to ensure continued mutual respect and understanding Be ready to present your ideas to the class, assembly, student council or similar – with the approval of your teachers, you may be able to put some or all of the plan into action.

4 British Values: Were they evident at Versailles?
SWOT Analysis Divide into groups of four. Each group will be allocated one of these British Values. Draw out the SWOT analysis grid and record on this grid your thoughts on how well the Treaty of Versailles reflects your chosen value. Values: Democracy Rule of Law Liberty Mutual Respect and Tolerance Feedback your thoughts and as a class, decide how weaknesses and threats could have been better overcome. STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS

5 Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education
Work as a group of four. You are going to design a memorial for all those who suffered in your local community and across the world during the First and Second world wars. Draw you design in the centre of an A3 sheet of paper, and annotate it to show how you have met the success criteria. You may also wish to make a 3D memorial of your design for commemoration and display in school. You will be assessed on the following criteria: SPIRITUAL Ability to be reflective of your own beliefs and respectful of others beliefs Use of imagination and creativity to reflect your learning and experiences MORAL (a) Understanding the consequences of behaviour and action - representing the life and achievements of those that took part in the conflict from your local, national or global community. SOCIAL Willingness to participate in a variety of communities and social settings, cooperating well with others Respect for different faiths and beliefs CULTURAL Willingness to participate in and respond positively to artistic, musical, sporting and cultural opportunities – reflected through the overall artistic and creative quality of the proposed design Understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity…at a local, national and global level Use of the memorial design information from the information booklet .

6 Statues and Victory Arches
Memorial Symbolism Statues and Victory Arches Wreaths Broken Column Obelisk Usually reserved for generals and political leaders. Mourning of an ancient Greek symbol of victory to lives cut short. This broken column circled by ivy leaves is symbolic of death. These represent shafts of the sun’s rays, and therefore fertility. Winged Angel Lions Cross of Sacrifice Eternal light (Flame) Water The winged angel represents victory Lions represent themight of the British Empire. Large Christian Cross to denote predominantly Christian war Cemeteries. Light, signifying remembrance and purification Water, signifying, regeneration and cleansing.

7 Bringing your learning together…
Produce a four page guide OR record a three minute video for today’s politicians on “Advice for solving world conflict.” Use the title and your memorial design for your front cover or as a logo to use on the video. Use these headings to construct the rest of your leaflet… Page 2: “Learning from 20th Century Mistakes” Page 3: “Peacemaking: Resisting popular pressures, promoting reasoned argument, mutual respect and understanding” Page 4: “Using British Values to Guide Peacemaking” Subheadings for page four: Democracy Rule of Law Liberty Mutual Respect and Tolerance

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