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Seven Keys to Raising Godly Children

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1 Seven Keys to Raising Godly Children

2 Must Teach the Word of God & Its Application
Proverbs 1:8 “instruction of your father” Psalm 34:11 “teach you the fear of the Lord” Ephesians 6:4 “training and admonition of the Lord”

3 Key #4 : INSTRUCTION How should we Instruct Children? Word of Mouth-
Genesis 18:19 Deuteronomy 4:9,10 Deuteronomy 6:6-9

4 By Example All Learn by Imitation
Children need to SEE their Parents Living by Biblical Principles 2 Timothy 1:5 Ezekiel 16:44 Children often go Further in Justifying Sin than their Parents do

5 By Example Nehemiah 13:23,24 - Both parents Influence Children
Genesis Chapters 27 & 37 – Isaac & Rebekah played favorites – influenced Jacob to deceive Isaac When you practice Evil, you might as well expect your children to practice it too!

6 By Example IF Your Children imitate You: Will they Lie?
Will they Deceive? Will they Smoke? Will they Drink? Will they Gamble? Will they Dress Immodestly? Will they Neglect the Lord?

7 By Example OR will they be: Honest? Hard Working?
Diligent Bible Students? Praying? Teaching God’s Word? Working in the church?

8 By Example Do you have things about your life you don’t want your children to imitate? Change NOW! Woe to us if by our example our children are lost eternally – Matthew 18:6,7

9 By Practice Hebrews 5:14 “senses exercised to discern both good and evil” We Must Insist that they Regularly Practice what is Right Instill in them the Habit of Doing Right and Avoiding Evil Do you insist that your children practice what you teach them?

10 By Repetition Deuteronomy 6:6-9 “talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, when you rise up…” 2 Peter 1:12-15 “remind you always” “reminding you” “have a reminder”

11 When & Where Should We Instruct Children?
Deuteronomy 6: teach continually, everywhere Begin Early – 2 Timothy 3:15 “from childhood” he knew the Scriptures From the time they learn to talk, they should grow up talking about God

12 Some Say: “It’s not right to indoctrinate a little child. Let him grow up and decide for himself what he believes.” “I don’t think you should make a child go to worship or Bible class.” You can’t avoid indoctrinating a child – Matthew 12:30 IF you serve God faithfully your child will SEE and HEAR you living & teaching God’s word

13 Some Say: IF you never DO or SAY anything about God, you will teach your child that God is Unimportant! Satan WILL attempt to indoctrinate your Child! You Must Begin Early to teach the Truth, or Satan will win by default! What values will they be taught? Fail to teach TRUTH Guarantees Satan will teach them LIES!

14 Attend All Church Assemblies & Classes
Begin Early in a child’s Life Permanently instill the Fact that these meetings are very important Regular attendance should be so routine the whole family automatically knows that everyone will attend every meeting of the church – Hebrews 10:25 Less important matters should never be allowed to hinder attending the assemblies

15 Attend All Church Assemblies & Classes
Children should be trained from the beginning to Seek First the Kingdom and Sacrifice for the Cause of Christ – Matthew 6:33; Romans 12:1,2 All should have lessons prepared – parents leading by example With what regularity is your family attending the meetings of the church?

16 Have Regular, Organized Studies at Home
Every child needs to have a daily Bible study at home Psalm 1:2; 119:97-99; Joshua 1:8 – should meditate on God’s Word day and night 1 Peter 2:2; Matthew 5:6 – hunger and thirst for God’s Word

17 Teach Informally as Occasions Present Themselves
Deuteronomy 6:6-9 watch for “teachable” moments that occur on the “spur of the moment.” Promote a relationship of Open Conversation with Children Take time and be available from early days of life Talk with them when they are little, they will more likely talk with you when older Do things as a family & each parent individually with each child Use informal occasions to be together

18 Teach Informally as Occasions Present Themselves
Promote a relationship of Open Conversation with Children Be available at 3 Special times: 1)Meal times, 2)When they come home from School, & 3)Bed time Be involved in their interests Honestly listen to them & treat their conversations seriously Teach in response to questions children ask – Luke 10:29ff; Matthew 19:3ff; Matthew 22:36ff

19 Teach Informally as Occasions Present Themselves
Promote a relationship of Open Conversation with Children Have religious discussions in the child’s presence Discuss circumstances in life that present good moral lessons Discuss Bible principles child faces making spiritual decisions or when conduct is spiritually unacceptable

20 It may be useful to test our children’s understanding of Bible principles by asking them to explain them and make application Let them reach the conclusion & explain it to you Give guidance & additional information if needed Never let them reach a wrong conclusion without correction

21 Are we training our children in such a way that we are ready to give answer to God in judgment?

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