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GCSE Science Revision Quizzes

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1 GCSE Science Revision Quizzes
Copyright notice: © Beaver Educational Resources This material is copyright. It is only for use by the staff and students of: Thornton College MK17 0HJ

2 When deprived of certain harmful drugs, a person may suffer from:
diabetes a heart attack addiction withdrawal symptoms

3 d) withdrawal symptoms

4 2. At which stage in the development of a new drug would it first be tested to find out whether it was toxic? during review and approval during phase 2 clinical trials during phase 3 clinical trials during laboratory testing

5 d) during laboratory testing

6 3. The organ which produces oestrogen is the:
ovary pituitary gland placenta pancreas

7 a) ovary

8 4. Which is the correct order of events in a reflex action?
effector – sensory – relay – motor – receptor receptor – sensory – relay – motor – effector receptor – sensory – motor – relay – effector sensory – receptor – relay – motor – effector

9 b) receptor – sensory – relay – motor – effector

10 5. IVF treatment: always results in just one baby being produced does not involve the use of sperm always involves fertilisation outside the body does not use FSH hormone

11 c) always involves fertilisation outside the body

12 6. Cilia are affected by smoking because:
hot smoke burns the cilia tar in the tobacco stops the cilia moving enzymes in the tar digest the cilia nicotine stimulates the cilia to beat too quickly

13 b) tar in the tobacco stops the cilia moving

14 7. The largest organ of the body creates a physical barrier against infection and is called the:
liver lung skin skull

15 c) skin

16 8. People who cannot make insulin are:
epileptic glycaemic anaemic diabetic

17 d) diabetic

18 9. Human insulin is made in large quantities by using genetically modified:
cows viruses bacteria human pancreas cells

19 c) bacteria

20 10. The problem with using heroin for pain relief of patients is:
it can lead to liver damage it can lead to kidney failure it is a recreational drug patients may develop tolerance to it

21 d) patients may develop tolerance to it

22 11. Oestrogen helps as a contraceptive because it:
thickens the uterus lining causes the uterus lining to break down inhibits FSH release stimulates FSH release

23 c) inhibits FSH release

24 12. Which is least likely to affect the glucose levels of a diabetic?
an injection of insulin an injection of glucagon a high carbohydrate meal a high protein meal

25 d) a high protein meal

26 13. How can LH and FSH hormones be used in medicine?
treating infertility in men treating infertility in women treating infertility in both men and women stimulating the embryo to develop in the uterus

27 b) treating infertility in women

28 14. The gap between two neurones is called:
an axon a relay a synapse a dendron

29 c) a synapse

30 15. The letters IVF stand for:
in vivo fertilisation in vitro fertilisation in vogue fertilisation intravenous fertilisation

31 b) in vitro fertilisation

32 16. The brain contains: relay neurones only relay and sensory neurones only sensory, motor and relay neurones sensory and motor neurones only

33 c) sensory, motor and relay neurones

34 17. Neurones communicate with each other across synapses by:
electrical impulses vibrations osmosis diffusion of chemical transmitters

35 d) diffusion of chemical transmitters

36 18. A side effect of both steroids and cannabis is:
an increase in muscle mass mood changes a decrease in reaction time an increased metabolic rate

37 b) mood changes

38 19. FSH is released from: the ovaries the placenta the pituitary gland the thyroid gland

39 c) the pituitary gland

40 20. Insulin is produced in the:
liver pancreas small intestine brain

41 b) pancreas

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