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PALEOCLIMATES Ancient climates 11/22/2018.

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Presentation on theme: "PALEOCLIMATES Ancient climates 11/22/2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 PALEOCLIMATES Ancient climates 11/22/2018

2 11/22/2018

3 11/22/2018

4 Earth’s climate history
Has always been changing

5 Earth’s climate has always been changing

6 How do we study past climates???

7 Fossils Certain critters only live in WARM climates Trilobites
Corals (Petoskey stones) dinosaurs 11/22/2018

8 Glacial evidence Indicates COLD climate Grooves Erratics
Misplaced boulders 11/22/2018

9 Ice cores Ancient air bubbles are trapped in the ice
Can analyze ancient air! 11/22/2018

10 18O/ 16O 18O is heavier- harder to evaporate
More 18O when climate is hotter Seen in ice cores 11/22/2018

11 11/22/2018

12 Tree rings Wider rings represent warm wet climate 11/22/2018

13 Coral reefs Corals add layers every year Like tree rings
Bigger layer= warmer 11/22/2018


15 VOLCANOES Lava type= Emit CO2; warms- long term (need a lot!)
Ash type= emit SO2- blocks heat- cools- short term


17 Impact events (space rocks)
1) Stirs up dust= colder

18 Milankovitch cycles Earth tilt changes Less tilt= less seasons
Cooler in mid latitudes Ice age! OR Earth’s orbit becomes More oval= colder

19 Variation in Solar output
Sunspots Cause solar storms Make earth hotter

20 Land vs. sea ice Melting of sea ice (icebergs) will NOT effect sea level Melting of land ice will effect sea level Antarctica/ Greenland Could also cause global cooling (Day After Tomorrow)

21 Global warming can cause global cooling?

22 Rising sea level by 2080 (projected)

23 Current state of glaciers

24 Glacier national Park, Montana 1938 vs. 2005

25 Alaska 1917 vs. 2005

26 Greenland notice


28 Carbon footprint Your impact on GHGs. Extra credit!!

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