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The good, the Bad and ugly

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Presentation on theme: "The good, the Bad and ugly"— Presentation transcript:

1 The good, the Bad and ugly
Smart Phones The good, the Bad and ugly

2 Philosophical Chairs: Choose your side
Smart phones have had a net negative effect on academics.

3 Reflection: What side did you originally take?
Did your opinion strengthen or weaken as a result of the debate? Explain with specifics. Who made the most important contribution to the debate? What did he/she say or ask and why was this so significant. Stack them on your table when done.

4 Gearing up to the Socratic Seminar: Simon Sinek video
First, discuss your C-Notes on the video: what stood out as important ?...specifically as it relates to smart phones and their effects—on anything: individuals, society, the work place. (5 min.) Next, discuss what Socratic Seminar questions could come out of this video. Finally, decide on TWO questions from your group.

5 Gearing up for Socratic Seminar: Research article findings
Spend about five minutes discussing the three conclusions/claims of the research study article. Time on phones, population sub-group phone usage, and the sleep quality findings. Spend another five minutes discussing the methods and the evidence of the study. Strengths, weaknesses, concerns and questions. Construct AT LEAST two questions for the seminar based on the research article.

6 Beyond the Texts Take a few minutes in your group to decide if there are other questions related to Smart Phones that you think would be productive to discuss in the Seminar on Monday. If so, you may add ONE more question to your list. Stack your evidence graphic organizers on your desk for collection.

7 Going Forward. Monday we will vote on questions and have the Socratic Seminar. If you need to re-read parts of the research study article or re-watch the video before hand, please do. Second half of class today—work on essays. Second half of class on Monday—peer edits of rough drafts.

8 Welcome back: Selecting questions
Take a few minutes to consider all the questions—read each set of questions before making any decisions. Now, go back and put your stickies by the two questions you would most like to discuss.

9 Socratic Seminar We’ll discuss at least the top three questions…more if time.

10 Reflections What did you feel was the most impactful question that we discussed? Specifically, why was it so impactful? Who do you think made the most important contribution to the discussion. What did he/she say and why was it so important? What did you learn or what are you thinking about differently as a result of the discussion? Explain w/ specifics.

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