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Annual Metabolism of Spring Creek

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1 Annual Metabolism of Spring Creek
Alison B. Winkler with Dr. Robert O. Hall and Hilary Madinger. Department of Zoology and Physiology, Wyoming EPSCoR, WyCEHG, University of Wyoming

2 Why this study?

3 CO2+H2O CH2O+O2 Light & Heat
Our main focus is the oxygen that is produced from the organic carbon in the stream. Basic equation. CO2+H2O CH2O+O2

4 [negative flux lowers O2 ]
Gross Primary Production (GPP): total amount of carbon fixed by photosynthesis [increases O2 ] Ecosystem Respiration (ER): mineralization of organic Carbon by organisms [negative flux lowers O2 ] Since GPP is produced from the plants in the stream it will increase the overall metabolism, while ecosystem respiration is how much oxygen the surrounding environment is pulling from the stream.

5 Metabolism 𝑑𝑂 𝑑𝑑 =𝐺𝑃𝑃+𝐸𝑅+(𝐾×𝑂𝑑𝑒𝑓) dO: dissolved oxygen dt: time
GPP: g O2 m-2 d-1 ER: g O2 m-2 d-1 K = gas exchange rate Odef=O2 concentration in H2O There is a straight forward link between water quality and metabolism, but there are other important ecosystem function, such as the base of the wood webs and support of animal production. For example at times brown trout can be found in this stream and beavers even tried building a dam late last year.

6 Data Collection Started September 2015 ran to April 2017
Minidot logger placed in accessible location at Spring Creek Minidot sensors can be placed in an area for a long period of time which makes it possible to have a long time series of daily metabolism that is more efficient than occasional measurements. They also use diel variation (24 period) for measurement which aids in the accuracy because data is collected every 10 mins.

7 Location Portion of Spring Creek located by LaPrele Park.
Average barometric pressure: mmHg Type of stream: urban spring stream

8 Light vs Time Temp vs Time
Studies have shown that the light availability as a primary control on short- and even long term variation in GPP. It has been seen that peaks in GPP often occur at high light times of the year, in our case summer. With our stream you can see the peak of the light was during the summer and the winter months had considerable less light. This also correlated with the temperature, because there are usually higher temperatures on days with more light, as seen in the graph. Remember these peaks. Temp vs Time

9 Ecosystem Respiration
This graph shows the estimate of the fraction of daily gross primary production (GPP) immediately respired by the plant life. The points are the daily values of GPP and ER.

10 Metabolism graph Here is a graph of all the metabolism for the course of the study. As we can see there is a peak in metabolism during the summer when the temperature was warmer and the stream received more sunlight. There are some outliers, but we do live in Wyoming where we may have all four seasons in one day or summer then winter the next.

11 Winter Fall December 4, 2015 October 7, 2016 GPP: 1.65 g O2 m-2 d-1
ER: g O2 m-2 d-1 October 7, 2016 GPP: 1.94 g O2 m-2 d-1 ER: -4.12g O2 m-2 d-1 Add in units Higher temperature will have a higher ER that means the ecosystem could be pulling more than they need.

12 Spring Summer July 13, 2016 April 1, 2017 GPP: 3.98 g O2 m-2 d-1
ER: g O2 m-2 d-1 April 1, 2017 GPP: 1.47 g O2 m-2 d-1 ER: g O2 m-2 d-1

13 Year Comparison October 7, 2015 October 7, 2016 GPP: 4.77 g O2 m-2 d-1
ER: g O2 m-2 d-1 October 7, 2016 GPP:1.94 g O2 m-2 d-1 ER: g O2 m-2 d-1

14 Overview Year in review Stability Seasonal Change
Correlation with Temperature and Light

15 Further study Currently working on the stream conductivity.
Determining velocity and discharge. Using data to better understand the local stream and compare with other streams in the area and United States.

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